Cíl: Práce se zabývá porovnáním posturální stability u dvou vybraných souborů probandů, a to u dětí s obezitou a u atletů. Metody: U obou skupin bylo provedeno posturografi cké vyšetření pomocí dvou testů – Limity stability v náklonu tzv. Limits of Stability (LOS) a Senzorický test – Sensory Organisation Test (SOT). Na základě takto získaných výsledků byly porovnány a statisticky vyhodnoceny rozdíly mezi jednotlivými soubory. Výsledky: Práce prokázala významný vliv obezity na individuální posturální stabilitu jedince. Prokázali jsme statisticky signifi kantní rozdíly jak v reakčním čase (RT) a maximální exkurzi při testu LOS, tak i ve volbě pohybových strategií pro udržení posturální stability při testu SOT. Závěry: U dětí s obezitou je, v rámci fyzioterapie, vhodné zaměřit pohybovou aktivitu na zlepšení celkové postury a posturální stability a to např. využitím funkčního tréninku., Aim: The paper deals with the comparison of postural stability in two selected groups of probands: children with obesity and athletes. Methods: Posturographic examination was carried out in both groups through two tests – Limits of Stability (LOS) and Sensory Organization Test (SOT). Variations between individual groups were compared and statistically evaluated based on the acquired results. Results: Obesity as well as overall posture has a signifi cant impact on postural stability. We demonstrated statistically signifi cant variations in reaction time (RT) and maximum excursion in LOS test, and in SOT test in the choice of movement strategies for maintaining postural stability. Conclusions: It would be appropriate as part of physiotherapy to focus physical activities in children with obesity on improving postural stability by e. g. using functional training., Dalibor Pastucha, Radka Filipčíková, Jana Malinčíková, Jana Beránková, Dana Ripplová, Stanislav Horák, Marcela Bezdičková, Zdeňka Blažková, Alžběta Poprachová, and Literatura 14
This cross sectional study focused on how Postural Stability (PS) indicators: body sway deviation (BSD) and body sway velocity (BSV), change with age and their association with levels of social and physical activity. Observational study: 80 older adults (aged: 60-96) were purposefully recruited from two sources: the University of the Third Age (TAU) (n = 35) and a residential care home (CH) (n = 45). Differences in the indicators of PS, approximated through Centre of Pressure (COP) measurements, were assessed by the Romberg Stance Test (Test A) subsequently repeated on 10 cm foam surface (Test B), using a Kistler Dynamometric Platform. The RCH Group was older, had higher BMI and was less socially and physically active, showed more body sway in all indicators compared to TAU group. For all participants body sway velocity (BSV) was significantly correlated with age. The strength of correlation of body sway deviation (BSD) with age was also significant but not as strong. The findings indicate in line with previous studies that deterioration in BSV is associated with poor PS more than deterioration in BSD. and J. Jančová Všetečková, N. Drey