Sculptor Bohumil Kafka works on a statue of Josef Mánes in a fragmented segment from the Ufa žurnál (Ufa Journal) 1939, issue no. 200. The unveiling of the monument by the Rudolfinum, including a speech by Professor Vratislav Nechleba in a fragmented segment from Československé filmové noviny (Czechoslovak Film News) 1951, issue no. 52. Kafka at Prague Zoo working on a study of a lion for the Milan Rastislav Štefánik's monument in a segment from Československý filmový týdeník (Czechoslovak Film Weekly Newsreel) 1937, issue no. 5. Kafka with politician Milan Hodža in the artist´s studio in Prague-Dejvice.
The segment of Československý zvukový týdeník Aktualita (Czechoslovak Aktualita Sound Newsreel), 1938, issue no. 46B shows Košice, Slovakia, prior to its annexation to fascist Hungary following the Vienna Arbitration. It includes footage from the Main Square with its busy marketplace. Refugees are shown leaving with hay wagons loaded with furniture, while citizens of Hungarian origin and supporters of Horthy´s regime decorate the square with Hungarian flags