Úvod: Recidíva pectus excavatum je najzávažnejšou neskorou komplikáciou primárnej korekcie. V indikovaných prípadoch je možné pacientovi odporučiť rekorekciu modifikovanou Ravitchovou technikou (HMRR), alebo minimálne invazívnu korekciu (MIRPE). Práca sa zameriava na vyhodnotenie dostupných operačných techník u dospelých pacientov a adolescentov s recidívou pectus excavatum. Metódy: Autori retrospektívne vyhodnotili výsledky svojej práce. V období od júna 2006 do októbra 2014 odoperovali na Klinike hrudníkovej chirurgie 126 výkonov pre pectus excavatum. HMRR bolo metódou voľby v 51 prípadoch a MIRPE v 75. Korekcia pre recidívu pectus excavatum bola indikáciou pre 12 (9,5 %) výkonov u 11 pacientov. Tí absolvovali šesť korekcií technikou HMRR a 6 technikou MIRPE. HMRR ako primárny výkon podstúpilo 10 pacientov a MIRPE jeden. Medián veku súboru bol 23,5 (17−44) roku, medián odstupu od prvej operácie bol 9,5 (2−31) roku. Muži tvorili 75 % operantov. Výsledky: Napriek potrebe torakoskopickej adheziolýzy a implantácie dvoch dláh u všetkých pacientov sa MIRPE vyznačovala kratším operačným časom (120 vs. 172 min) a menším počtom komplikácií (16,7 % vs. 50 %). V skupine s HMRR sme zaznamenali tri komplikácie (ranový seróm, migráciu dlahy do perikardu s masívnym hemoperikardom, oddelenie priamych brušných svalov od sterna) a v skupine s MIRPE jednu (symptomatický fluidotorax). U pacienta s migráciou dlahy vznikla ďaľšia recidíva pectus excavatum. Nezaznamenali sme rozdiel v dľžke pooperačnej hospitalizácie. Záver: Napriek limitovaným skúsenostiam považujeme MIRPE v indikovaných prípadoch za bezpečnú a efektívnu techniku pri riešení recidívy u dospelých pacientov a adolescentov., Introduction: Recurrent pectus excavatum is the most serious late complication after primary repair. Redo open repair (Highly Modified Ravitch Repair, HMRR) or minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE) are usually performed in indicated cases. This paper focuses on the evaluation of available redo surgical techniques in adult and adolescent patients with recurrent pectus excavatum. Methods: 126 operative corrections, predominantly in adult patients, were performed by the authors between June 2006 and October 2014. HMRR was the method of choice in 51 cases, and MIRPE in 75 cases. Recurrent pectus excavatum was the indication in 12 repair procedures (9.5%) in 11 patients. Prior repairs included HMRR in 10 patients and MIRPE in one case. Both HMRR and MIRPE were indicated as redo procedure in six cases. The median age in the redo group was 23.5 (17−44) years and the median interval between the primary correction and the redo procedure was 9.5 (2−31) years. The male to female ratio was 3:1. Results: The use of MIRPE resulted in shorter operation time (120 vs. 172 min). There was no difference in the length of postoperative hospitalisation. Three complications (50%) were recorded in the HMRR group (wound seroma, intrapericardial bar migration with hemopericardium, displaced rectus abdominis muscle) and one (16.7%) occurred in the MIRPE group (symptomatic fluidothorax). Conclusion: Despite our limited experience with both techniques in the treatment of recurrent pectus excavatum we believe that MIRPE should be regarded as a safe and effective technique for the redo repair in adolescent and adult patients., and M. Lučenič, M. Janík, R. Benej, A. Garchar, P. Juhos
Adolescent hallux valgus (HV) is a progressive deformity of adolescent age consisting of metatarsus primus varus and hallux valgus. It has a high recurrence rate after conventional surgical correction. Ten feet in nine patients (two males, seven females) were treated surgically with the Peterson Newman bunion procedure, with a minimum follow-up of one year. During the final follow-up all these patients had no complaints of pain, joint stiffness or limping. Even though the patients had some mild loss of range of movements at the MTP joints 4–6° compared to preoperative value, it did not cause any functional impairment and all were satisfied with the final outcome. The double ostetomy for treatment of hallux valgus is technically precise procedure, provides excellent correction and stability and has low rate of recurrence of deformity. We had an excellent outcome in 10 feet in our study without residual deformity or complications., Pradeep George Mathew, Pavel Šponer, Jaroslav Pavlata, Haroun Hassan Shaikh, and Literatura 36