HPx is a multicomponent reactive transport model which uses HYDRUS as the flow and transport solver and PHREEQC-3 as the biogeochemical solver. Some recent adaptations have significantly increased the flexibility of the software for different environmental and engineering applications. This paper gives an overview of the most significant changes of HPx, such as coupling transport properties to geochemical state variables, gas diffusion, and transport in two and three dimensions. OpenMP allows for parallel computing using shared memory. Enhancements for scripting may eventually simplify input definitions and create possibilities for defining templates for generic (sub)problems. We included a discussion of root solute uptake and colloid-affected solute transport to show that most or all of the comprehensive features of HYDRUS can be extended with geochemical information. Finally, an example is used to demonstrate how HPx, and similar reactive transport models, can be helpful in implementing different factors relevant for soil organic matter dynamics in soils. HPx offers a unique framework to couple spatial-temporal variations in water contents, temperatures, and water fluxes, with dissolved organic matter and CO2 transport, as well as bioturbation processes.
Stony soils are composed of two fractions (rock fragments and fine soil) with different hydrophysical characteristics. Although stony soils are abundant in many catchments, their properties are still not well understood. This manuscript presents an application of the simple methodology for deriving water retention properties of stony soils, taking into account a correction for the soil stoniness. Variations in the water retention of the fine soil fraction and its impact on both the soil water storage and the bottom boundary fluxes are studied as well. The deterministic water flow model HYDRUS-1D is used in the study. The results indicate that the presence of rock fragments in a moderate-to-high stony soil can decrease the soil water storage by 23% or more and affect the soil water dynamics. Simulated bottom fluxes increased or decreased faster, and their maxima during the wet period were larger in the stony soil compared to the non-stony one.
An understanding of preferential flow in the vadose zone is crucial for the prediction of the fate of pollutants.
Infiltration basins, developed to mitigate the adverse effects of impervious surfaces in urban areas, are established above
strongly heterogeneous and highly permeable deposits and thus are prone to preferential flow and enhanced pollutant
transport. This study numerically investigates the establishment of preferential flow in an infiltration basin in the Lyon
suburbs (France) established over a highly heterogeneous glaciofluvial deposit covering much of the Lyon region. An investigation
of the soil transect (13.5 m long and 2.5 m deep) provided full characterization of lithology and hydraulic
properties of present lithofacies. Numerical modeling with the HYDRUS-2D model of water flow in the transect was
used to identify the effects of individual lithofacies that constitute the deposit. Multiple scenarios that considered different
levels of heterogeneity were evaluated. Preferential flow was studied for several values of infiltration rates applied
after a long dry period. The numerical study shows that the high contrast in hydraulic properties of different lithofacies
triggers the establishment of preferential flow (capillary barriers and funneled flow). Preferential flow develops mainly
for low water fluxes imposed at the surface. The role of individual lithofacies in triggering preferential flow depends on
their shapes (layering versus inclusions) and their sizes. While lenses and inclusions produce preferential flow pathways,
the presence of the surface layer has no effect on the development of preferential flow and it only affects the effective
hydraulic conductivity of the heterogeneous transect.
Experience resulting from the extreme flood events in the Czech Republic in recent years has stressed the need to keep developing and evaluating the practical performance of methodologies that will lead to more detailed investigations of flood flow characteristics. Various numerical models and modeling techniques can be used and are continuously being developed. The properties of the numerical model and the quality of the numerical modeling of flood events are influenced by the choice of governing equations, selection of the dimensionality of the model, and the application of simplification approaches. The paper presents a comparison of flood simulation results obtained by three different types of numerical models. The comparison shows possible errors, and practical consequences that can arise from the application of simplified numerical models in inadequate situations. and Zkušenosti z průběhu extrémních povodní v minulosti i v poslední době prokazují naléhavou potřebu dalšího výzkumu v oblasti předpovídání a detailního zkoumání podmínek průchodu povodní koryty řek a k nim přilehlým inundačním územím. Ke zkoumání uvedené problematiky se v současné době využívají především různé numerické modely. Kromě volby výchozí soustavy řídících rovnic a metody použité k jejich numerickému řešení ovlivňuje vlastnosti použitého numerického modelu a předpokládanou využitelnost výsledků modelování především dimenzionalita modelu spolu s použitou prostorovou schematizací. V článku jsou na příkladě porovnání výsledků vybraných typů numerických modelů ukázány některé praktické důsledky zvolené prostorové schematizace a naznačeny chyby, které mohou vyplynout při aplikaci zjednodušených numerických modelů v neadekvátních podmínkách.