A ring $R$ has right SIP (SSP) if the intersection (sum) of two direct summands of $R$ is also a direct summand. We show that the right SIP (SSP) is the Morita invariant property. We also prove that the trivial extension of $R$ by $M$ has SIP if and only if $R$ has SIP and $(1-e)Me=0$ for every idempotent $e$ in $R$. Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the generalized upper triangular matrix rings to have SIP.
The present work gives some characterizations of $R$-modules with the direct summand sum property (in short DSSP), that is of those $R$-modules for which the sum of any two direct summands, so the submodule generated by their union, is a direct summand, too. General results and results concerning certain classes of $R$-modules (injective or projective) with this property, over several rings, are presented.
The classical Serre-Swan's theorem defines an equivalence between the category of vector bundles and the category of finitely generated projective modules over the algebra of continuous functions on some compact Hausdorff topological space. We extend these results to obtain a correspondence between the category of representations of an étale Lie groupoid and the category of modules over its Hopf algebroid that are of finite type and of constant rank. Both of these constructions are functorially defined on the Morita category of étale Lie groupoids and we show that the given correspondence represents a natural equivalence between them.