State-of-the-art in bioelectrodynamics is presented. The brief review starts with introduction to the topic and definition of field followed by a short historical overview of bioelectrodynamics. Special attention is then paid to specific hot topics in this branch of biophysics, namely the ultra-weak photon emission from biological systems and radio-frequency electromagnetic field coupled to normal modes of microtubules. and Je shrnut stav problematiky v oboru bioelektrodynamiky. Stručný přehledový článek začíná úvodem do tématu a definicí oboru a je následován historickým přehledem bioelektrodynamiky. Speciální pozornost je poté věnována aktuálním tématům v tomto oboru biofyziky, jmenovitě ultraslabé fotonové emisi z biologických systémů a radiofrekvenčním elektromagnetickým polím spojeným s vlastními módy mikrotubulů.
Frőhlich formulated the hypothesis of coherent electrical polar oscillations in biological systems. The hypothesis predicts that generated electromagnetic field with a dominant electric component has a basic role in organization, transport, and interactions inside a cell and among cells. If mitochondria are entirely functional, the cellular cytoskeleton satisfies conditions for excitation of coherent states, which are assumed to be essential for normal biological activity. Malfunctioning mitochondria and disintegrated cytoskeleton result in disturbances of the Frőhlich's mechanism and consequently -- together with biochemical disturbances -- can lead to malignant properties of cancer cells.