Cíl studie: Sledovat vliv opakovaných krevních odběrů a diety obohacené o železo na kostní metabolismus u samců potkanů kmene Wistar. Typ studie: Základní výzkum. Název a sídlo pracoviště: Vivárium a radioizotopové laboratoře, LF UK Hradec Králové, Ústav klinické biochemie a diagnostiky, Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové. Materiál a metody: Potkani byli po dobu 8 týdnů krmeni standardní laboratorní dietou (SLD, 27 mg Fe/kg diety) nebo dietou obohacenou o železo (FE, 400 mg Fe/kg diety). Týdně byl proveden odběr (w) 0,5 ml krve/100 g tělesné hmotnosti, celkem 8krát. Skupiny: 1. kontrolní skupina SLD; 2. kontrolní skupina FE; 3. SLD-w; 4. FE-w. V krvi byl stanoven krevní obraz, respiratorní vzplanutí (RB), v séru koncentrace prohepcidinu a železa, v játrech koncentrace železa. Z kostních ukazatelů jsme stanovili: osteokalcin (OC), N-terminální propeptid prokolagenu typu I (PINP), C-terminální telopeptid kolagenu typu I (CTx) a tartát-rezistentní kyselou fosfatázu (TRACP). Byla změřena kostní minerální hustota (BMD). Výsledky: U skupin s krevními odběry bylo vyšší spontánní RB a železo v séru, naopak došlo k poklesu sérového prohepcidinu, hemoglobinu i železa v játrech ve srovnání s SLD a FE, u FE-w bylo také vyšší stimulované RB. Hodnoty PINP (p < 0,05), CTx (p < 0,05) a TRAP (p < 0,05) vzrostly u SLD-w ve 3. týdnu a u FE-w v 1. týdnu, hodnoty OC (p < 0,05) vzrostly pouze u FE-w v 1. týdnu, poté všechny hodnoty poklesly na hodnoty SLD a FE. BMD vzrostla po odběrech v bederní a ocasní oblasti (p < 0,01). Závěr: Opakované krevní odběry a dieta obohacená o železo vedly k vyšší reaktivitě buněk makrofágového systému, k vyšší aktivitě osteoklastů, ke stimulaci osteoblastů s následným pozitivním vlivem na kvalitu kostní tkáně. Klíčová slova: odběr krve, železo, osteokalcin, N-terminální propeptid prokolagenu typu I, C-terminální telopeptid kolagenu typu I., Objective: We studied the infl uence of repeated blood withdrawals and iron enriched diet on biochemical markers of bone metabolism in male Wistar rats. Design: Basic research. Settings: Radioisotope Laboratories and Vivarium, Charles University, Medical Faculty, Hradec Kralove, Institute of Clinical Biochemistry and Diagnostics, University Hospital, Hradec Kralove. Material and Methods: Rats were fed for 8 weeks with standard laboratory diet (SLD, 27mg Fe/kg diet) or iron enriched diet (FE, 400 mg Fe/kg diet) and had blood withdrawals (w) 0.5 ml/100 g body weight, 8 times. Animals were divided into 4 groups: 1. Control group SLD; 2. Control group FE; 3. SLD-w; 4. FE-w. The following items were assessed in blood; haemoglobin concentration and respiratory burst (RB), iron stores in liver tissue. In serum were evaluated prohepcidin, iron and bone metabolism markers: osteocalcin (OC), N-terminal propeptid of procollagen I (PINP), C-terminal telopeptide of collagen I (CTx) and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP). Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured. Results: Spontaneous RB and iron in serum increased in animals with repeated blood withdrawals, but serum prohepcidin, haemoglobin concentration and iron in liver decreased vs. SLD and FE, but in FE-w animals increased stimulated RB, too. Values of PINP (p < 0.05), CTx (p < 0.05) and TRAP (p < 0.05) increased by SLD-w in 1st week and by FE-w in 3rd week, values of OC (p < 0.05) increased only by FE-w, but then all these values decreased to values of SLD and FE. BMD increased by blood withdrawals in femur (p < 0.01) and lumbar part (p < 0.01). Conclusion: Repeated blood withdrawals and iron enriched diet contributed to stimulation reactivity of scavenger cells, elevation activity of osteoclast, stimulation of osteoblast with subsequent positive effect on quality of bone tissue. Key words: blood withdrawal, iron, osteocalcin, N-terminal propeptide of procollagen I, C-terminal telopeptide of collagen I., Švejkovská K., Doubková K., Živná H., Živný P., Palička V., and Lit.: 19
a1_The modern concept of causality of diseases emphasizes the study of natural defense functions of the organism and possibilities of influencing them, which will lead to effective prevention of these diseases. A great deal of information has been obtained on the system growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, which is of quite fundamental importance for the integrity of the organism. A dysbalance of the system may be the cause of diseases of the neonatal period, as well as diseases associated with aging. In old age, the synthesis of the crucial peptide system, IGF-I, declines as well as the sensitivity of tissues to this hormone. At the same time the changes in the expression of IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP) occur. Systemic growth factors are present in measurable concentrations in the circulation, they are, however, taken up or synthesized by some tissues, where they act as local cellular regulators. IGF-I is produced by many tissues, including bones under the control of estrogens, growth hormone and the parathyroid hormone. A decline of bone IGF-I in the cortical portion of bones is one of the many mechanisms leading to the development of involutional osteoporosis. Correlation studies, which have provided evidence of a relationship between the IGF system and the building of peak bone mass and its subsequent loss contributed to the understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease. It may be foreseen that the results of intervention studies focused on the effects of the recombinant IGF-I will also influence therapeutic and preventive approaches. Modern antiresorption pharmacotherapy stabilizes or enhances bone density and reduces the risk of fractures. The addition of effective anabolics might increase the effectiveness of treatment by shifting the remodeling equilibrium in favor of formative processes., a2_Because both recombinant GH and IGF-I have certain therapeutic limitations, it is considered to utilize substances which either stimulate endogenous IGF-I production directly in the bone or modulate synthesis and distribution of binding proteins for the peptide. Further new findings related to physiology and pathophysiology of this peptide will contribute to designing new strategies in the prevention of osteoporosis and other serious diseases of old age, such as diabetes, neoplasias or cardiovascular diseases., I. Žofková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Autoři pojednávají o vitamínu D, který má mezi ostatními vitamíny specifické postavení, poněkud z jiného úhlu pohledu. Přibližují jeho evoluční původ a historii jeho objevování. Nedostatek vitaminu D vyvolává křivici, nemoc, která je doložena už od starověku. V této souvislosti upozorňují autoři na světově uznávané zásluhy významného, dnes už téměř zapomenutého českého vědce E. H. Kodíčka. Přehledně také popisují metabolismus a transport vitaminu D v organismu a upozorňují, že vitamin D také hraje důležitou úlohu při vzniku chronických nesdělných chorob, jejichž počet celosvětově stále vzrůstá., The authors discuss vitamin D, which has a special position among vitamins, from a somewhat different perspective. They clarify its evolutionary origin and the history of its discovery. A deficiency of vitamin D causes rickets, a disease that has been documented since antiquity. In this context, the authors draw attention to a nearly forgotten Czech scientist E. H. Kodíček of significant merit. They also briefly describe the metabolism and transport of vitamin D in the body and point out that vitamin D also plays an important role in the development of non-communicable chronic diseases, the number of which is increasing worldwide., and Petr Šíma, Bohumil Turek.
There is one feature common to most types of cancer - profound changes in their cellular metabolism that accommodate the high requirements for fast growth and cell division. This change brings about many advantages to the transformed cell and it is also indispensable for its survival and proliferation. This review describes the differences in metabolism between normal and cancerous cells and outlines strategies that could exploit these differences as tools for oncological treatment. and Věra Slaninová, Alena Krejčí.
Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in different plant species and having numerous health-promoting properties in animals and humans. However, its protective action against deleterious effects of ethanol is poo rly elucidated. In the present study, the influence of resveratrol (10 mg/kg/day) on some hormones and metabolic parameters was determined in rats ingesting 10 % ethanol solution for two weeks. Blood levels of insulin, glucagon and adiponectin were affecte d by ethanol, however, resveratrol partially ameliorated these changes. Moreover, in ethanol drinking rats, liver lipid accumulation was increased, whereas resveratrol was capable of reducing liver lipid content, probably due to decrease in fatty acid synt hesis. Resveratrol decreased also blood levels of triglycerides and free fatty acids and reduced γ-glutamyl transferase activity in animals ingesting ethanol. These results show that resveratrol, already at low dose, alleviates hormonal and metabolic changes induced by ethanol in the rat and may be useful in preventing and treating some consequences o f alcohol consumption., K. Szkudelska, M. Deniziak, P. Roś, K. Gwóźdź, T. Szkudelski., and Obsahuje bibliografii