Allozyme polymorphism was investigated in adult males of the stenotopic peat bog (tyrphobiontic) noctuid moth, Coenophila subrosea Stephens, from three isolated peat bog localities in Austria (Styria) and Czech Republic (South and North Bohemia). Of the eighteen enzyme loci examined, twelve were polymorphic and six monomorphic. Significant deviations of genotype frequencies from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed at about one third of polymorphic loci within the populations. The average heterozygosities for the populations from three geographically distinct localities ranged from 0.192 to 0.245, and 61% of the loci were polymorphic. The FST mean value of 0.0675 was higher than that found in most other Lepidoptera. The genetic distances based on allozyme heterozygosity ranged from 0.019 to 0.051, with the population from South Bohemia being the most distant. The genetic distances and FST values do not reflect the geographic distances between the populations. Morphometric analysis revealed a difference between the Austrian Purgschachen Moor and Bohemian populations. These isolated relict peat bogs are habitat islands inhabited by unique "geographical races" of tyrphobiontic taxa., Jan Šula, Karel Spitzer, 4 obrázky, 5 tab., and Lit.
In Lepidoptera, larval dietary experience of volatile cues can induce adult preference for these cues. However, such induction may require several generations, depending in part on the degree of specialization of the insects. In a previous study, using species of noctuid stem borers with different diet breadths, namely the polyphagous Sesamia nonagrioides, the oligophagous Busseola fusca and monophagous Busseola nairobica, it was shown that in S. nonagrioides, one generation was enough to induce a preference for vanillin in the resulting gravid females, whereas even two generations failed to induce a response in adults of Busseola spp. In this study, we checked whether a higher number of generations of exposure to a vanillin-enriched medium could induce a significant olfactory preference for this medium in the species B. fusca and B. nairobica, which have narrower host-plant utilization ranges than S. nonagrioides. Larvae were reared to the adult stage on an artificial diet enriched with vanillin for periods of from 2 to 7 or 8 generations, followed by two-choice tests on gravid females using a Y-tube olfactometer. The results showed different responses according to the species: for the oligophagous B. fusca, there was no significant effect of the conditioning, while a significant preference for the odours emitted by this new vanillin-enriched diet was recorded for the polyphagous S. nonagrioides and monophagous B. nairobica, but after different numbers of generations. In conclusion, different diet breadths seem to be associated with different levels of plasticity in the odour preference of adults. The implication of this result for insects' adaptability in a changing landscape is discussed., Christophe Petit, Peter Ahuya, Bruno Le Ru, Laure Kaiser-Arnauld, Myriam Harry, Paul-André Calatayud., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Insect cellular immune reaction, which generally includes phagocytosis, encapsulation and nodule formation, is achieved by hemocytes circulating in insect haemolymph. The shift of hemocytes from the normal phase to the adhering phase is an important process in the cellular immune reaction, which includes the attachment of hemocytes to foreign surfaces or other hemocytes via adhesion factors. Neuroglian is one of the adhering factors associated with encapsulation in Manduca sexta and Drosophila melanogaster. Here we studied the localization of neuroglian (MsNrg) in Mythimna separata and its functional role in the cellular immune reaction. The distribution of MsNrg mRNA between hemocyte populations was determined using real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR and in situ hybridization, which revealed that MsNrg was highly expressed in adhering hemocytes, especially in plasmatocytes. Unexpectedly, the transcript was observed as well in non-adhering hemocytes, implying neuroglian has a function in non-adhering hemocytes. Moreover, we showed that the amount of MsNrg mRNA was not changed by injections of either biotic or abiotic non-selves. Fewer latex beads were fully encapsulated by hemocytes in larvae treated with MsNrg double-stranded RNA than in control larvae, but their ability to achieve phagocytosis and nodule formation remained unchanged by the MsNrg knockdown. These results indicate that the function of neuroglian in the cellular immune reaction is conserved in D. melanogaster and lepidopteran species, and neuroglian in non-adhering hemocytes could possess unidentified function., Kakeru Yokoi, Yoshiaki Kato, Masahiro Suzuki, Ken Miura., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Můrovití (Noctuidae) představují po obalečovitých (Tortricidae) druhou největší čeleď motýlů v České republice. Dosud bylo na našem území zaznamenáno kolem 430 druhů, ale mnohé z nich se zde nevyskytují trvale. Můrovití jsou obvykle velmi dobří a pohybliví letci, často mají tendenci kolonizovat nová území. Řada druhů žijících v jiných částech Evropy byla zaznamenána pouze v jednom nebo omezeném počtu exemplářů (zhruba 20 druhů), jiné jsou pravidelnými migranty (13 druhů), někteří zástupci se v současnosti šíří (asi 10 druhů), zatímco jiní jsou na ústupu (5–6 druhů), nebo mají proměnlivou hranici areálu. V článku naleznete příklady druhů z uvedených skupin, s diskuzí současného nebo historického stavu., Owlet moths (Noctuidae) are after leafrollers (Tortricidae) the second largest family of butterflies and moths in the Czech Republic. So far, about 430 species have been recorded, but many of them do not occur permanently in the area. Owlet moths are usually very good and highly mobile fliers, often with a tendency to colonize new territories. Some species living in other parts of Europe have been registered in only one or a limited number of individuals (about 20 species), others are regular migrants (13 species). While some species are currently spreading (about 10 species), others are retreating (5–6 species), or the boundaries of their ranges are unstable. Examples of these groups are given and discussed., and Zdeněk Laštůvka, Aleš Laštůvka.
Coordinated regulation of apoptosis is critical for development, homeostasis, and immunity in larvae of Metazoa. We determined the full nucleotide sequence of an inhibitor of an apoptosis protein in a lepidopteran insect Mythimna separata (Walker) (MsIAP) and carried out functional analyses of the MsIAP. The full-length cDNA of MsIAP was 1642 bp, which encoded 379 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 41,834 Da, and two BIR domains and one RING domain revealed using amino acid sequence analysis. In addition, the sequences of these domains were similar to Drosophila IAP1 and those of some other lepidopteran insects. We carried out a functional analyses of MsIAP related to apoptosis regulation using RNA interference. The effects of MsIAP knockdown on adhering hemocytes and non-adhering hemocytes as controls were examined using Hoechst33342/propidium iodide staining, effector caspase activity and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL) staining. A significantly higher number of propidium iodide and TUNEL-positive cells was recorded in adhering hemocytes from MsIAP knockdown larvae than from control larvae, but these differences were not recorded for non-adhering hemocytes. However, higher effector caspase activity was detected in both adhering and non-adhering hemocytes from MsIAP knockdown larvae compared to that in control larvae. These results indicate that the knockdown of MsIAP induces apoptosis in larval adhering hemocytes, which MsIAP negatively and non-redundantly regulate apoptosis, and that IAP function is conserved in M. separata and other insect species including Drosophila and several lepidopteran insects., Masashi Kamezaki, Kakeru Yokoi, Ken Miura., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Nocturnal pollinators such as moths have received less attention than diurnal insects. To elucidate whether nocturnal moths are important pollinators, we observed both the diurnal and nocturnal visitors to the flowers of Uncaria rhynchophylla (Rubiaceae) in a warm-temperate forest in central Japan. The diurnal visitors included various taxonomic groups (e.g., bees, hoverflies and butterflies). The nocturnal visitors were exclusively moths (Geometridae, Erebidae, Noctuidae and Crambidae). Pollen grains of U. rhynchophylla were attached to both diurnal and nocturnal visitors. Although diurnal flower visitors carried pollen grains of other plant species, nocturnal moths did not carry heterospecific pollen grains. These results suggest that nocturnal moths, as well as diurnal insects, are important pollinators of U. rhynchophylla., Daichi Funamoto, Shinji Sugiura., and Obsahuje bibliografii
When insect herbivores develop over many generations on the same plant species, their descendants may evolve physiological adaptations that enable them to develop more successfully on that plant species than naïve conspecifics. Here, we compared development of wild and lab-reared caterpillars of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae, on a cultivar of cabbage Brassica oleracea (cv. Cyrus) and on a wild plant species, sorrel, Rumex acetosa, on which the wild strain had been collected and reared for two earlier consecutive generations. The lab strain had been reared on the same cabbage cultivar for more than 20 years representing > 200 generations. Survival to adult did not vary with strain or plant species. Both strains, however, developed significantly faster when reared on R. acetosa than B. oleracea. Pupae from the field strain were larger when reared on B. oleracea than on R. acetosa, whereas the identity of the plant species did not matter for the lab strain. Our results show that long-term rearing history on cabbage had little or no effect on M. brassicae performance, suggesting that some generalist herbivores can readily exploit novel plants that may be chemically very different from those on which they have long been intimately associated., Jeffrey A. Harvey, Eke Hengeveld, Miriama Malcicka., and Obsahuje bibliografii