(Statement of Responsibility) Vojtěch Šopf, obsahuje 1 partituru + party 3x Tenor I + 3x Tenor II + 3x Bas I + 2x Bas II, (Ownership) Provenience: opsali studenti teologie, III. roč., 1882, Ak. Mančal, 1902 ; St. Suda, praef. 1902 CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) B 22 CZ-CbJVK
(Statement of Responsibility) Antonín Kypta, Mše složena k příležitosti obnovy a vysvěcení zámecké kaple Schwarzenbergů na Orlíku, S,A,T,B, Org, Vl I princ, Vl I ripp, Vl II solo, Vl II ripp, Alto viola, Vlc, Violone, Flauto, Cl I, Cl II, Clar princ, Clar I, Clar II, Corno I, Corno II, Tymp., (Ownership) Biskupský seminář (České Budějovice, Česko), and (Version Identification) Mc 13
(Statement of Responsibility) Franz Xaver Haslinger, (Ownership) Provenience: Biskupský chlapecký seminář (České Budějovice, Česko), jednotlivé party opsali studenti II. a III. ročníku Biskupského semináře 1828/29, and (Version Identification) Md 5
(Statement of Responsibility) Antonín Kernle, 4 vokální hlasy (Canto, Alto, Tenore, Basso) + 11 instrumentálních hlasů (Violino Primo, Violino Secundo, Alto Viola, Clarinetto Primo Concertante in B, Clarinetto 2do in B, Corno Primo in C, Corno 2do in C, Clarino Primo in C, Clarino Secundo in C, Tympani in C, Organo), https://opac.rism.info/search?id=550270615&View=rism, (Ownership) Provenience: Duschek (opis) CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK
(Statement of Responsibility) F. Z. Skuherský, fragment - obsahuje pouze part Altus, (Ownership) Diec. cyrilská jednota CZ-CbJVK, and (Version Identification) bez značek CZ-CbJVK
Studie Jany Spáčilové se zabývá mešními kompozicemi hudebního skladatele Antonia Caldary, dochovanými v moravských hudebních sbírkách., This article is dedicated to the problem of the erroneous attribution of authorship of Masses to Antonio Caldara in Moravian collections of church music. It contains information about extant records of Masses by Caldara and methodological discussion concerning the reliability of sources with respect to authorship. Also included is an overview of Caldara sources of Moravian provenience, including both extant music and entries in period inventories. Attention is dedicated both to compositions by others regarded in Moravia as works by Antonio Caldara, and to works by Caldara under the names of other composers. Works identified as having been written by other composers are presented in the form of tables, including signatures of all concordant sources found so far in European libraries. The purpose of the article is to give an idea of the standing of Caldara’s works in the repertoire of Moravian church music and to prepare material for a future thematic catalog of Moravian sources of Masses by Caldara., Jana Spáčilová., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 75, anglický abstrakt 45.