This symposium focused on participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Following the tradition of the CESTC, two plenary lectures were offeret for each of the participating countries and a number of short reports and poster presentations. Student Kiran Bhaskaran Nair from Charles University in Prague was awarded the Student poster prize as creator of the best student poster. and Petr Čárský, Květa Stejskalová.
This event was a collaborative workshop involving scientists, power industry leaders and government officials to outline the future and role of energy storage in ensuring secure energy and to discuss the promising topics for research into energy storage. The workshop sought to present ideas, examples, and projects related to experience with energy storage with a strong emphasis on promoting national awarness and inspiring action towards solving emerging problems. Through this event the scientists hoped to present promising research themes and technologies and challenge the attendees to discuss the feasibility of the technologies and trends for energy storage. The workshop was a part of the Strategy AV21 and was organized with the patronage of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences Professor Jiří Drahoš by the Institute of the Thermomechanics of the CAS and the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS. and Magdalena Bendová, Jan Hrubý, Miroslav Chomát, Patrik Zima.
Stejnojmennou mezinárodní konferenci, jejímž záměrem bylo v širokém slavistickém kontextu prezentovat současné teoretické a praktické poznatky slovanské lexikografie, uspořádalo Oddělení slavistické lingvistiky a lexikografie Slovanského ústavu AV ČR. Sympozium se konalo ve dnech 20.-22. dubna 2016 v prostorách budovy Akademie věd na Národní třídě. and David Blažek.
This conference took place 3-7 March 2008 and was held in the Emauzy Abbey. ALICE is the acronym for A Large Ion Collider Experiment, one of the largest experiments in the world devoted to research in the physics of matter on an infinitely small scale. Hosted at CERN, this project involves the international collaboratin of more than 1000 physicists, engineers and technicians from 300 countries. Together they are contributing to the resolution of one of the latest challenges in fundamental physics recounting the birth of matter. and Michal Šumbera, Vojtěch Petráček, Petr Závada.
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the ASCR organised the 4th IAGA/ICMA/CAWSES-II TG4 Workshop on Vertical Coupling in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System, which was held from 14-18, 2011 in Prague. The Earth's atmospheric regions are intricately coupled to one another via various dynamical, chemical, and electrodynamic processes. However, the manner in which the couplings take place due to varying energy inputs from the Sun and from the lower atmosphere is a question that is yet to be understood. and Petra Koucká Knížová.
We feature an interview with Professor Pavel Zemánek and Dr. Bohdan Růžička from the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS on the occasion of the conference LASER55, which was organized in cooperation with the Institute of Physics of the CAS. Leading Czech scientists and experts from public and private sector met on October 21-23, 2015 in Třešť to discuss interdisciplinary cooperation in laser science. and Magdaléna Selingerová.