Podyjí National Park is one of the hotspots of fungal diversity in the Czech Republic (so far we know about 1400 species from this area). The main reasons for this fact (well-preserved natural habitats, habitat and geological diversity) are introduced and briefly discussed in the article. high fungal diversity is documented based on several examples of rare or endangered species, which are typical for some of the local habitats and characterize the range of ecological conditions in the studied area. and Jan Běťák.
Ačkoli bylo světélkování u hub doloženo již ve starověku, intenzivnějšího vědeckého studia se tomuto jevu dostává teprve v posledních letech. Článek shrnuje naše dosavadní poznání bioluminiscence u hub z hlediska evolučního, ekologického i fyziologického. Jeho součástí jsou i fotografie dvou tropických druhů se světélkujícími plodnicemi - Mycena chlorophos a Filoboletus manipularis., Bioluminescence in fungi was first observed in the Archaic period or earlier, but it has only recently been studied scientifically. This paper sums up our knowledge on this phenomenon from evolutionary, ecological, and physiological points of view. Included are photos of two tropical species with luminescent fruiting bodies - Mycena chlorophos and Filoboletus manipularis., and Michal Sochor, Zuzana Egertová.
Bearbeitet von Dr. Günther Ritter Beck von Mannagetta und Lerchenau and Mit 335 Pflanzenbildern auf 28 farbigen Orinigaltageln, 50 Bildern auf 16 schwarzen Tafeln und 199 Originalabbildungen im Texte
Plant virology department of the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, is successful in description and sequencing of mycoviruses and plant viruses, recently. Most of the newly described viruses have unique genome organization and did not induce disease symptoms in their plant of fungal hosts, respectively. By contrast, some mycoviruses debilitate their hosts and are promising as tools for biological control of harmful fungi. and Karel Petrzik, Ondřej Lenz.
Filamentous microscopic fungi (moulds, predominantly from the phylum Ascomycota), a very diverse and versatile group of organisms, are able to colonize any kind of substrate. This article presents a short survey of some microfungi inhabiting our households. Examples are given of toxigenic fungi, xerophiles, psychrophiles, necrotrophs and sugar fungi. and Alena Kubátová.