The second part of this series presents information on the ecology, historical and recent distribution of Gentianella praecox subsp. bohemica, a subendemic species of the Czech flora. The effects of different management treatments on the establishment, survival and seed production of this biennial gentian was assessed at several sites. Creation of gaps in surrounding vegetation through regular mowing together with disruption of turfs through harrowing have been identified as optimal management strategies. Detailed knowledge of the biology of short-lived gentians allows the identification of critical stages of their life cycle and prediction of population dynamics. and Jiří Brabec, Anna Lampei Bucharová.
The presented species prefers intermittently wet meadows and pastures, and thus differs from other gentians that are able to colonize a wide range of habitats (broad-leaved dry grasslands, mesic and wet habitats, submontane and montane Nardus grasslands). The presence of gaps in the vegetation is the major prerequisite for plant establishment and survival. Regular mowing or grazing accompanied by disruption of turf can support the creation of open sward. our experimental data from 13 sites show that regular management can restore the gentians populations. and Jiří Brabec.