The paper presents stochastic discrete simulations of concrete fracture behavior. The spacial material randomness of local material properties is introduced into a discrete lattice-particle model via an autocorrelated random field generated by the Karhunen-Loève expansion method. The stochastic discrete model is emploeyd to simulate failure of the three-point-bent beams with and without a central notch.. The effect of spatial randomness on the peak load and energy dissipation is studied. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The present paper describes a semi-analytical fracture model based on the cracked hinge approach by Ulfkjær [1]. Some extensions of the original fomrulation are introduced and also implemented (as JAVA code) to enable the use of any softening function with arbitrary shape for the cracked part of the model, which is considered as a fictitious (cohesive) crack. The application of the model to the wedge-splitting test (WST) is validated, showing the consistency of the adopted formulations with reference data. Furthermore, the capability of the model to integrate various softening curves is verified using FEM simulations. and Obsahuje seznam literatury