A universal set of equations for determining chlorophyll (Chl) a, accessory Chl b, c, and d, and total Chl have been developed for 90 % acetone, 100 % methanol, and ethanol solvents suitable for estimating Chl in extracts from natural assemblages of algae. The presence of phaeophytin (Ph) a not only interferes with estimates of Chl a but also with Chl b and c determinations. The universal algorithms can hence be misleading if used on natural collections containing large amounts of Ph. The methanol algorithms are severely affected by the presence of Ph and so are not recommended. The algorithms were tested on representative mixtures of Chls prepared from extracts of algae with known Chl composition. The limits of detection (and inherent error, ±95 % confidence limit) for all the Chl equations were less than 0.03 g m-3. The algorithms are both accurate and precise for Chl a and d but less accurate for Chl b and c. With caution the algorithms can be used to calculate a Chl profile of natural assemblages of algae. The relative error of measurements of Chls increases hyperbolically in diluted extracts. For safety reasons, efficient extraction of Chls and the convenience of being able to use polystyrene cuvettes, the algorithms for ethanol are recommended for routine assays of Chls in natural assemblages of aquatic plants.