Cotyledonary leaves of Cucumis sativus cv. Poinsette exhibited senescence-induced losses in chlorophyll (Chl) and protein contents within three weeks since germination. Chl and protein concentrations in cotyledonary leaves approached maximum on 6th d after germination and they declined to 50 and 41 %, respectively, by the 20th day of growth. Activities of both photosystem (PS) 2 and PS1 decreased by 33 and 31 %, respectively, on the 20th day, compared to the control 6th day. Changes in sensitivity of PS2 to inhibitors like atrazine and dibromothymoquinone and sensitivity of PS1 to KCN accompanied the changes in PS2 and PS1 activities. Hence both the acceptor side of PS2 and the donor side of PS1 are affected by senescence-induced changes in cucumber cotyledonary leaves. and J. S. S. Prakash, M. A. Baig, Prasanna Mohanty.
The influence of cucumber offered as a host plant either alone or with Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was studied on the various life table and biological characteristics of the predatory bug Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur (Hemiptera: Miridae). The nymphal development was studied at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C while adult performance was assessed at 15, 20, 25 and 30°C, using a 16L : 8D photoperiod and 65 ± 5% r.h. Nymphs completed their development at all temperatures except at 35°C. Nymphal development took significantly longer time in the absence than in the presence of prey at 20 and 25°C, but the reverse was true at 15°C. Nymphal mortality was highest at 15°C in the presence of prey and it was mainly recorded at the first and second stages. Females oviposited a small number of eggs at all temperatures but not at 30°C in the absence of prey. The average number of eggs per female was almost similar with or without prey, being highest at 20°C, and adult longevity was highest at 15°C. The results concerning population parameters clearly showed that cucumber with or without prey can not support a population increase of M. pygmaeus. However, it seems that A. gossypii on cucumber inhibits development of M. pygmaeus more than when this aphid species is not present. This adverse effect on this host plant-prey system possibly results from the particular aphid genotype on cucumber, leading to high nymphal mortality, reduced fecundity and short adult life-span of M. pygmaeus.
The herbicides diuron, fluridone, or sulcotrione differently reduced chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoid (Car) contents. Four days after herbicide treatment, application of sulcotrione resulted in a Chl/Car ratio of 5.88, similar as in untreated controls; diuron resulted in ratio of 5.24, while fluridone induced a greater diminution in Car contents and yielded a final ratio of 7.02. Sulcotrione induced a more rapid decrease than fluridone did in the quantum yield of photosystem 2 (PS2) as monitored by Chl fluorescence. Measurements of DPIP reduction with isolated thylakoids indicated that sulcotrione was a more effective inhibitor of the Hill reaction in cucumber, a herbicide sensitive species, than in maize, a herbicide-insensitive species. These results are consistent with the view that inhibition of electron transport via reduction in plastoquinone contents in plants leads to the major herbicidal effect of sulcotrione in mature green tissues. and J.-S. Kim ... [et al.].
Olej na plátně: scéna v krajině, polonahý Bacchus, v levé ruce drží hrozen vína, na hlavě věnec z révy, objímá sedící nahou Ceres (v levé ruce drží pohár vína, ve vlasech má obilné klasy), za ní okurka. Amor sedící ženě přináší koš s ovocem a zeleninou., Fučíková 1997#, č. I/10., Fusenig 2010#, č. 74 s. 210., and V inventáři je obraz nazván "Ein gausen" (svačinka). Nejednalo se o žánrový výjev, ale ilustraci Terentiovy okřídlené věty ze hry Kleštěnec: "Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus" (bez Cerery a Bakcha Venuše mrzne), obdobně jako v případě Aachenova obrazu, kde je Bakchus zobrazen pouze s Venuší (Wien, KM, Bakchus, Venuše a Amor). Oba obrazy propojuje postava Amora, jehož k nebi obrácený pohled je ohlasem Venuše z obrazu Bakcha a Venuše.