A simple, vector-based graphics editor, designed for experimental data presentation, schematics, large structured chemical formulae etc. in a modest IBM PC, MS DOS environment is described. Its applications in semiautomatic image analysis, especially ¡n the implementation of design-based stereological methods for estimating global geometrical characteristics of studied samples and in 3D volume reconstruction from serial sections are discussed.
The article describes technology of measurement of size and size-distribution of aggregates formed during agitation using the digital camera. This method may be used in laboratory batch reactors, pilot plants as well as in full-scale water treatment plants. and Článek popisuje technologii digitálního záznamu a následného měření velikostních charakteristik vločkovitých agregátů tvořených při úpravě vody. Použitá metoda je vhodná ke studiu agregace jak v laboratorních podmínkách při použití vsádkového reaktoru, tak i v provozních podmínkách úpraven vody.
A software system STESYS for interactive and flexible generation of stereological test systems is described. STESYS enables to implement many of the recent unbiased stereological methods applied to biomedical research and clinical diagnosis by using a simple personal computer. Advantages of the STESYS software are illustrated by several examples of stereological measurements for estimating the number, total and mean cross-sectional area, volume and surface area.