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12. Predictive model and methodology for optical telecommunications infrastructure
- Creator:
- Douda, V. and Jánešová , M.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- cluster analysis, crisis management, and optical transport network
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- In this article a predictive model and a novel methodology of processing the data measured in the physical model of an optical telecommunications infrastructure is presented. The task is motivated by practical use of the results of experiments in the environment of the telecommunications network. We present an original predictive model and methodology, reflecting the specifics of examined infrastructure. The probabilistic prediction of the occurrence of emergencies is calculated via cluster analysis techniques used in Bayesian approach in the n-dimensional data space. The predictive model is experimentally verified on real data. Results of experiments are interpreted for practical use in real environment of the telecommunications infrastructure.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
13. Regional estimation of parameters of a monthly water balance model
- Creator:
- Szolgay, Ján, Hlavčová, Kamila, Kohnová, Silvia, and Danihlík, Róbert
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- monthly water balance model, ungauged catchments, genetic algorithm, regional calibration, cluster analysis, model hydrologickej bilancie s mesačným krokom, povodia bez pozorovaní, genetický algoritmus, regionálna kalibrácia, and zhluková analýza
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The necessity to generate time series of runoff for planning and design purposes and environmental protection at ungauged sites is often the case in water resources studies. As in the case of the absence of measured runoff optimisation techniques cannot be used to estimate the parameters of rainfall-runoff models, regional estimation methods are used instead. In previous studies usually regression methods were used for relating the model parameters to the catchment characteristics in a given region. In the paper a different method for the regional calibration of a monthly water balance model is proposed for the case of sparse runoff data. Instead of using the regional regression, the method involves the regional calibration of a monthly water balance model to several gauged catchments in a given region simultaneously. These catchments were pooled together using cluster analysis of selected basin physiographic properties. For the model calibration a genetic programming algorithm was employed and two problem specific fitness functions were proposed. It is expected, that the regionally calibrated model parameters can be used in ungauged basins with similar physiographic conditions. The performance of such a regional calibration scheme was compared with two single site calibration methods in the Záhorie region of West Slovakia. and Článok sa zaoberá možnosťami využitia hydrologického modelovania pre účely určovania prietokov v povodiach bez ich pozorovaní. V takýchto prípadoch nemožno určiť parametre modelu klasickou kalibráciou, pri ktorej sa pri hľadaní parametrov modelu posudzuje čo najlepšia zhoda medzi simulovanými a pozorovanými prietokmi. Jednou z možností je zisťovanie parametrov modelu na základe posudzovania ich vzájomného vzťahu s hydrologickými, topografickými alebo fyzicko-geografickými vlastnosťami povodí, ktoré zohrávajú pri tvorbe odtoku dominantnú úlohu, ďalšia možnosť je určenie jednotných parametrov modelu kalibráciou modelu pre skupinu povodí (región alebo regionálny typ), vyčlenenú na základe podobných vlastností ovplyvňujúcich tvorbu odtoku. V článku je aplikovaná metodika určovania regionálnych parametrov hydrologického bilančného modelu v mesačnom časovom kroku na vybraných povodiach západného Slovenska. Namiesto prístupu regionálnej regresie je tu využitý spôsob regionálnej kalibrácie modelu pre regióny vyčlenené na základe podobnosti rôznych fyzicko-geografických vlastností. Pri regionálnej kalibrácii modelu boli využité metódy genetického algoritmu, pričom boli testované dve objektívne funkcie. Výsledky regionálnej kalibrácie sú porovnané s výsledkami kalibrácie modelu pre jednotlivé povodia. Regionálne určené parametre modelu môžu byť využité na modelovanie priemerných mesačných prietokov v povodiach bez pozorovaní, patriacich do príslušného regiónu alebo regionálneho typu.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
14. Regional estimation of the index flood and the standard deviation of the summer floods in the Tatry mountains
- Creator:
- Kohnová, Silvia and Szolgay, Ján
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- regionalisation, index flood estimation, rainfall induced flood, small catchments, cluster analysis, regional frequency analysis, regionalizácia, indexová povodeň, odhad návrhových maximálnych prietokov, letné povodne, malé povodia, zhluková analýza, and regionálna analýza maximálnych prietokov
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Regional design flood computation formulae in Slovakia were traditionally based on the regionalisation of the 100-year flood discharge. Floods with shorter return periods have usually been computed by regional frequency factors from the 100-year flood discharge. Several previous studies have indicated that a rather high safety factor is included in some of the traditional regional formulae. In this paper therefore an alternative method for the determination of the flood frequency curve in ungauged catchments in the high core mountain region of Slovakia has been investigated. Floods from rainfall and snowmelt were treated separately; the study was focused on summer floods. For the division catchments into pooling groups subjective and objective methods e.g. cluster analysis were used. The methodology was based on the regional estimation of the index flood and its standard deviation from catchment characteristics. Flood quantiles were determined from a two-parameter distribution. The performance of several regional methods was compared and the applicability of the tested methods for various hydraulic and hydro-ecological design tasks was also discussed. and Odhad N-ročných maximálnych prietokov bol na Slovensku tradične založený na regionalizácii maximálnych storočných prietokov. V príspevku sme preto navrhli a testovali alternatívne regionálne metódy nepriameho odhadu štatistických charakteristík maximálnych prietokov v letnej sezóne v oblasti Tatier. Skúmali sme viaceré možnosti rozdeliť tento región na oblasti s rovnakým vzťahom medzi podmieňujúcimi činiteľmi tvorby odtoku a priemernou hodnotou a smerodajnou odchýlkou maximálnych letných prietokov. Subregióny boli konštruované použitím subjektívnych úvah, logickým delením, ako aj pomocou objektívnych metód využívajúc princípy zhlukovej analýzy. Regionálne vzťahy na určovanie charakteristík maximálnych letných prietokov boli odvodené použitím viacnásobnej regresie. V závere sme porovnali hodnoty N-ročných maximálnych letných prietokov určené použitím viacerých metód a diskutovali sme vhodnosť použitia aplikovaných postupov pre inžiniersku prax.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
15. Spatial-temporal monitoring of groundwater using multivariate statistical techniques in Bareilly District of Uttar Pradesh, India
- Creator:
- Singh, Sudhir Kumar, Singh, Chander Kumar, Kumar, Kewat Sanjay, Gupta, Ramvtar, and Mukherjee, Saumitra
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- cluster analysis, principal component analysis, groundwater quality, shluková analýza, analýza pomocí hlavního prvku, and kvalita podzemní vody
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- Monitoring of groundwater quality in Bareilly district, Uttar Pradesh, India, was performed at 10 different sites during the years 2005-2006. Obtained quality parameters were treated using principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA). The study shows usefulness of multivariate statistical techniques for evaluation and interpretation of groundwater quality data sets. and V letech 2005-2006 byla na deseti odběrných místech v regionu Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, Indie sledována kvalita podzemní vody. Zjištěné kvalitativní parametry byly zpracovány pomocí analýzy hlavního prvku (PCA) a pomocí shlukové analýzy (CA). Studie dokládá vhodnost multivariačních statistických metod pro vyhodnocení a interpretaci změřených výsledků.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ and policy:public
16. The application of artificial intelligence in the process of optimizing energy consumption in intelligent areas
- Creator:
- Garlík, B.
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- self organizing map, simulated annealing, cluster analysis, type daily diagrams, load prediction, unit commitment, intelligent building, renewable energy, and micro grid
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The text describes the optimization task of renewable energy sources distributed to electrical microgrid of fictitious intelligent area that consists of intelligent buildings. Firstly, to solve this task a general optimization heuristic method of simulated annealing will be described. Testing was performed on the analytical functions but those will be only covered marginally. Of the tests on the approximation functions the method of simulated annealing would be the most suitable algorithm for the optimization task. Furthermore, two experiments were introduced. The first lies in the application of cluster analysis on daily diagrams of electricity consumption in intelligent buildings. Because the modeled year history of hourly electricity consumption is represented by multidimensional data this data forms the training set during the adaptive dynamics submitted to a competence model of neural network by days. After the network adaptation process the Kohonen's map during the adaptive dynamics will be drawn, from which required clusters can be read. In the second experiment a sorting design of the resources for typical days of a week is performed in the computer program UniCon.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public