Middle Neolithic, Early and Late Bronze Age (as well as some Middle Ages) human occupation was investigated during two separate excavations. This paper assesses findings obtained from features with artifacts from Linear Pottery Culture and the Želiezovce Group. Three graves containing human skeletons were also excavated. One adult skull possessed a wound most probably caused by a sharp object (a stone axe?). Within the pottery assemblage basic typological shapes prevail – globular and semi globular vessels, bowls and necked vessels. There is only a small number of footed bowls. The applied decoration scale shows basic decorative elements of carved and plastic decoration. When a cut was applied, it interrupted the carved line or finished it. Rarely, the inventory contained a painted band, made up by a carved twinline in red colour. Rare finds include polished industry, bone artefacts, as well as an incomplete anthropomorphic figurine. Lithic artefacts were common and were manufactured from local as well as imported raw materials., Ivan Cheben, Michal Cheben., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Příspěvek navazuje na předchozí článek o nálezech z halštatského kultovního místa na vrchu Burkovák u Nemějic, z něhož mj. pochází i rozsáhlá kolekce keramických plastik. Cílem je prozkoumání povrchu těchto plastik z náhodně vybraného vzorku z hlediska paleodermatoglyfiky, jejich předběžné posouzení z hlediska fragmentace, vlastností keramické hmoty a stop na povrchu předmětů. and The contribution is linked to the preceding article on finds from the Hallstatt cultic area on the peak of Burkovák near Nemějice, from which an extensive collection of ceramic sculptures also comes. The aim of this contribution is the examination of the exterior of these sculptures from a paleodermatoglyphic perspective, and a preliminary assessment of these from the point of view of fragmentation, the properties of the ceramic material, and marks on the exterior of the objects.