The reasons for conversion or withdrawal from traditional churches could be different in every historical period. Historians should recognize the secondary or contrary historical processes like foundation of small movements and "free" churches, and also appreciate individual motives of a convert. e author of this paper researches conversion on the basis of 1) religious term and its different meanings in historical contexts, 2) study of the convert‘s "Lebenswelt" and his local church and religious culture. At first he compares the similar meanings of the term conversion in different theological encyclopedias (change of religion) and puts forward
Karl Rahner’s notion of internal conversion as Bekehrung
(a change of the involved man in his spiritual relationship to God) as an inspiring tool for the methodology of ecumenical or comparative church history. A summary of church development and the legislative status of different denominations in the Habsburg monarchy in the 19th century follows. The author approaches that the wave of religious changes in the late 19th century was truly brought about by the internal pluralization of religious culture. He demonstrates his point by analysing conversion in the Prague diocese in 1900. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
The study answers the question who delivered the first sermon at the funeral of Emperor Charles IV, held on 15 December 1378. The second funeral oration was delivered by Adalbert Ranconis de Ericini. Until the 1960s, Archbishop John Očko of Vlašim was considered the author of the first eulogy, or rather sermon, without any reservations. It was Jaroslav Kadlec who suggested the possibility that the oration at the Emperor’s casket was delivered by the successor of Archbishop John Očko of Vlašim, John of Jenstein. The author also expresses the opinion that the Archbishop John Očko of Vlašim remained in active service until the beginning of March 1379; thus, it can be proven that he held funeral services for the deceased Emperor. It is likely that both orators were appointed by the current Archbishop John Očko of Vlašim, who was carrying out other duties at the funeral in his capacity as Archbishop. and František Šmahel.
Stručná historie této církve od roku 1530 je doprovázena tabulkou s přehledem kněží a učitelů působících v jednotlivých městech na Moravě a Slovensku. and Křesťanské církve, obce a sekty. Původní církve. Východní křesťanské církve. Ruská pravoslavná církev. Řecká církev. Slovanská církev. Římskokatolická církev. Národní episkopální církve. Anglikánská církev. Protestantské církve a sekty. Presbyteriáni. Baptisté. Metodisté. Unitáři. Ostatní křesťanské obce většinou bez kněží. Mormoni. Kvakeři. Svědkové Jehovovi. Armáda spásy. YMCA, YWCA. Náboženské spolky.
Kalendáře, ročenky a náboženská literatura jednotlivých církví.