This paper deals with the concept of the "size" or "extent" of the information in the sense of measuring the improvement of our knowledge after obtaining a message. Standard approaches are based on the probabilistic parameters of the considered information source. Here we deal with situations when the unknown probabilities are subjectively or vaguely estimated. For the considered fuzzy quantities valued probabilities we introduce and discuss information theoretical concepts.
The measurement of information emitted by sources with uncertainty of random type is known and investigated in many works. This paper aims to contribute to analogous treatment of information connected with messages from other uncertain sources, influenced by not only random but also some other types of uncertainty, namely with imprecision and vagueness. The main sections are devoted to the characterization and quantitative representation of such uncertainties and measures of information produced by sources of the considered type.
An LMF conformant XML-based file containing all Arabic characters (letters, vowels and punctuations). Each character described with a description, different displays (isolated, at the beginning, middle and the end of a word), a codification (Unicode, others could be added later), and two transliterations (Buckwalter and wiki).