Schellackia ptyodactyli sp. n. is described from the fan-footed gecko Ptyodactylus hasselquistii (Donndorf) found the lower Jordan Valley, Cis-Jordan. Endogenous development was studied in geckoes necropsied 7-11 days after being inoculated with blood containing sporozoites from naturally infected geckoes of the same species. Merogony and gamogony/oogony stages, as well as sporozoites, are described by light and electron microscopy. Merogony stages, microgamonts and sporozoites conformed in fine structure to that of other eimerian coccidia. whereas wall forming bodies of the macrogamonts showed some divergence from the general pattern characteristic of eimerians and Schellackia cf. agamae. Merogony stages occurred simultaneously with gamonts and sporozoites. In the blood, sporozoites entered leucocytes, thrombocytes and erythrocytes. Parasitaemia persisted for up to 2 years in some naturally infected geckoes in captivity.