Objectives. The main goal of the study was to analyse in detail specific family indicators and their relation to selected indicator of life satisfaction in a representative sample of Czech children. Sample and setting. A total number of 4 351 children aged 11, 13 and 15 years out of 88 randomly selected schools in Czech Republic formed the study population. The data was acquired in the framework of the WHO study “The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children: A WHO Cross National Study” (HBSC) in June 2010 by means of standardized questionnaires. Research questions. Is formal structure of family or the quality of communication more important for children's life satisfaction? Statistical analysis. Statistical analysis included descriptive analyses, the x2 test of independence in contingency tables, Fisher’s exact test, two samples T-test, one and two way analysis of variance using the NCSS 2007 program. Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of family on life satisfaction of children and prevalence odds ratios with 95% confidence interval were calculated as measure of association. Results. Life satisfaction was high for majority of children, it reached two thirds of possible maximum at both of the followed scales (Cantril index, Huebner scale) for the whole sample. Life satisfaction was significantly associated (p<0,001) with age, gender, formal structure of family and quality of communication in family. Children from complete families with easy or very easy communication with both parents had the highest values at both of the followed life satisfaction scales. Study limitations. Limitations of the study result from the cross-sectional design and data based on self-reports. Both life satisfaction and family were analysed on the basis of selected question categories., L. Hodačová, E. Čermáková, J. Šmejkalová, E. Hlaváčková, M. Kalman., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Když benevolence zraňuje ženy a favorizuje muže: účinky ambivalentního sexismu na aspirace na vůdcovství Literatura o ambivalentním sexismu ukázala, že benevolence vůči ženám může být dokonce škodlivější než otevřené nepřátelství, protože není jasně rozpoznatelná jako druh předsudku, a tak je obtížnější s ní bojovat. Podobně benevolence vůči mužům predikuje vnímanou oprávněnost genderové hierarchie. Účinek sexismu na mužské a ženské aspirace na vůdcovství však ještě nebyl zkoumán. Účastníci studie (N = 101) byli poučeni o sexismu (hostilním vs. benevolentním) vůči vlastnímu pohlaví. Výsledky ukázaly, že benevolence podporuje možnost udržení vůdcovské role u mužů, ale odrazuje ženy od vůdcovských pozic. Ženy dokonce považují benevolentní a hostilní postoje vůči ženám za podobné předsudky. Muži naopak vymezují hostilní sexismus vůči mužům jako více předsudečný než benevolentní postoje., Literature on ambivalent sexism has shown that benevolence toward women can be even more pernicious than explicit hostility because it is not clearly recognizable as a form of prejudice and thus it is more difficult to combat. Similarly, benevolence toward men predicts the perceived legitimacy of gender hierarchy. However, the effects of sexism on men’s and women’s leadership aspiration have not been studied yet. In the present study participants (N = 101) were primed with sexism (Hostile vs. Benevolent) toward their own gender. Results showed that benevolence fosters the possibility of holding a leadership role for men, but harms women from leader positions. Moreover, women consider benevolent and hostile attitudes toward women as similarly prejudiced. On the contrary, men define hostile sexism toward men as more prejudiced than benevolent attitudes., Chiara Rollero, Angela Fed., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Úzkost ze smrti je chápána jako multidimenzionální poznávací koncept, který vychází z postojů ke smrti. Zahrnuje myšlenky, strachy a emoce související s umíráním a smrtí, které jedinec prožívá za normálních podmínek života. Úzkost ze smrti a její prožívání ovlivňuje řada faktorů, a to jak negativně, tak pozitivně. Jednotlivé faktory se mohou překrývat nebo být ve vzájemné interakci. Patří mezi ně život ohrožující nemoc, spiritualita, životní zkušenost, kulturní normy, sociální opora, prostředí, věk a gender. Uvědomění si těchto faktorů pomáhá zdravotnickým pracovníkům lépe pochopit reakci pacienta na realitu smrti v současné technologicky vyspělé, sekularizované a multikulturní společnosti., Death anxiety is understood as a multidimensional cognitive concept arising from attitudes to the death. It includes thoughts, fears, and emotions connected with dying and death experienced by an individual under the normal life conditions. Death anxiety and its experiencing are influenced by many factors, both negatively and positively. The particular factors can overlap or can be in mutual interaction. They cover life threatening disease, spirituality, life experience, cultural norms, social support, environment, age, and gender. Realization of these factors helps medical workers to understand better the patient´s response to the reality of death in contemporary technologically developed. secularizationed and multicultural society., and Helena Kisvetrová, Jaroslava Králová.