The development of the nematode Procamalianus (Spirocamallanus) neocaballeroi (Caballero-Deloya, 1977), an intestinal parasite of the characid fish, Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) in Mexico, was studied in the experimental copepod intermediate host, Mesocyclops sp. After the copepod’s ingestion of free first-stage larvae of the nematode, these penetrate into the haemocoel of the intermediate host; they moult twice (on the 3rd and 4-5th day p.i. at 21-22”C) before they attain the third, infective stage. The third-stage larva already possesses the large buccal capsule subdivided into an anterior broad portion with eight spiral thickenings (as observed in lateral view) and a narrow posterior portion, and its tail tip bears three conical processes. The definitive host acquires infection by feeding on infected copepods; in the intestine of this fish, the nematode larvae undergo two more moults (on the 10th and 14-15th day p.i. at 25-32°C) before attaining their maturity. The prepatent period is approximately two months.