Morphological and ultrastructural changes, the chlorophyll (Chl) content and Chl a fluorescence induction were studied in primary leaves of runner beán plants (Phaseolus coccineus L. cv. Pi?kny Jaš) grown in Knop solution and treated with excess Cu [20 g(CuS04 x 5 H2O) m"^] at difíerent growth stages. The plants were exposed to the metal for 12 d. Cu added to the nutrient solution at the beginning growth stage induced significant leaf area reduction (31 %) as well as increase of Chl accumulation (148 %) and leaf density (122 %). No ultrastructural changes of chloroplasts were seen. Application of Cu at the advanced growth stage caused relatively smáli changes except local disturbances in stroma lamellae and leaf reduction to 70 % of control. Significant disorganization of chloroplast ultrastructure, smáli leaf area reduction (80 %) but specific leaf area increase (163 %) and leaf density decrease (67 %) were seen only in the primary leaves of plants treated with Cu at the finál stage of growth. These changes, similar to senescence response, were accompanied by Fy/Fo ratio decrease to 67 % in comparison with control.