Aldosterone plays a key role in maintaining the homeostasis of the whole organism. Under some circumstances, aldosterone can contribute to the progression of cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease. This study demonstrates that aldosterone associates negatively with some lipidogram parameters and positively with the concentration of homocysteine. These associations are characteristic for coronary artery disease and are not present in control subjects. The findings also indicate that in vitro aldosterone stimulates homocysteine production by rat adrenal glands, which may explain the associations observed with coronary artery disease. Moreover, we have found that aldosterone significantly modulates in vitro platelet reactivity to arachidonate and collagen - aldosterone increases the pro-aggregatory action of collagen, but decreases the pro-aggregatory potential of arachidonate. Therefore, the findings of these in vitro and ex vivo experiments indicate the existence of new pathways by which aldosterone modulates lipid- homocysteine- and platelet-dependent atherogenesis., K. Karolczak, P. Kubalczyk, R. Glowacki, R. Pietruszynski, C. Watala., and Seznam literatury
The metabolic turnover in the isolated in vitro perfused and superfused rat skeletal muscle (musculus gracilis cranialis) was enhanced by increasing the medium flow rate under relaxed conditions. In a recent study we have measured the tissue concentrations of second messengers: cyclic adenosine 3 ́5 ́- monophosphate (cAMP), cyclic guanosine 3 ́5 ́-
monophosphate (cGMP), and D-myo-inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate (IP3) under similar experimental conditions to analyze their potential role in the described stimulation of metabolic rate by changes of perfusion flow rate. The tissue levels of the two second messengers’ cAMP and cGMP were not significantly changed after increasing the perfusion
flow rate and they probably have no transduction role in the induced alteration of skeletal muscle metabolism. However, the IP3 content was extremely reduced after increasing flow rate. This decrease in the tissue concentration of IP3 induced by increasing the flow rate indicates the possible role of IP3 in this signal transduction, leading to changes in
the cellular metabolic pathways.
The present knowledge about the metabolism of bromide with respect to its goitrogenic effects, including some conclusions drawn from our recent research on this subject, is reviewed. Firstly, the biological behavi
or of bromide ion is compared with that of chloride and iodide. Secondly, the details about distribution and kinetics of bromide ions in the body and in 15 different organs and tissues of the rat are given. Significant correlation between the values of the steady-state concentration of bromide in the respective tissue and of the corresponding biological half-life was found in most tissues examined. A remarkably high concentration of radiobromide was found in the skin, which represents, due to its large mass, the most abundant depot of bromide in the body of the rat. Thirdly, the effects of excessive bromide on the rat thyroid are summarized, along with
the interference of exogenous bromide with the whole-body metabolism of
iodine. It is suggested that high levels of bromide in the organism of experimental animals can influence their iodine metabolism in two parallel ways: by a decrease in iodide accumulation in the thyroid and
skin (and in the mammary glands in lactating dams), and by a rise in iodide excretion by kidneys. By accelerating the renal excretion of iodide, excessive bromide can also influence the pool of exchangeable iodide in the thyroid. Finally, our recent results concerning the influence of high bromide intake in the lactating rat dam on iodine and bromide transfer to the suckling, and the impact of seriously decreased iodine content and increased bromide concentration in mother’s milk on the young are discussed. We must state, however, that the virtue of the toxic eff
ects of excessive bromide on the thyroid gland and its interference with the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones, as well as the exact mechanism of bromide interference with postnatal developmental processes remains to be elucidated.