In the first part of study, the cartularies created on the territory of the Czech lands and in the wider Central European space are introduced, the second provides a detailed analysis of the content of the Louny town cartulary and also an auxiliary historical scientific analysis in the contest of the development of the town chancellery, archival studies and library science. The Louny cartulary was based in 1435 and the reason for its creation might have been the effort for a certain underpinning of the written material as a legal armament at a time when the achievement of peace in Bohemia was appproaching and also the recognition of Sigismund of Luxemburg as the king of Bohemia. and Tomáš Velička.
II, Soupis památek historických a uměleckých v politickém okresu Lounském, napsal Bohumil Matějka., Obsahuje rejstřík, and Soupis vydává Archaeologická kommisse při České akademii císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění řízením svého předsedy Josefa Hlávky