The article deals with manuscript XIII G 25 of the National Library of the Czech Republic, which contains an explanation of part of the Book of Psalms (109-118). The explanation is attributed to the Master of the Prague University and preacher in the Prague Bethlehem Chapel Václav of Dráchov (about 1395-1469). The author analyses the contents of the codex, the relationship between it and further manuscripts, its provenience and finally, the research results in this field are summarized.
The aim of the article is to characterise for the first time ever the role of book culture in building the confessionality of post-Hussite society and subsequent generations. For such an extensive research goal, it was necessary to choose a broad interdisciplinary approach, making it possible to place social phenomena previously assessed in isolation into the context of the day. The individual passages of the article are therefore devoted to editorial models, to the archaeology of the printed text and the basics of reading, to the history of illustration and book printing, to language and bookbinding. It has been confirmed that book culture - created by the reception of manuscript and printed products - can be understood as a faithful mirror of a religiously pluralistic society. However, where modern historiography ends with the research of confessionality, the study of book culture may begin to reveal the much more general mechanisms of the individual and social mentality in which the religious-political process took place. The mentality of the readers (burghers and partly the lesser aristocracy) for whom the copied and printed books were intended, was negatively impacted by the remnants of Hussitism and by contemporary Utraquism, which coexisted in a dualistic symbiosis with minority Catholicism. These influences, which at the time were commonly referred to as “renaissance”, bound readers to the Middle Ages. The more massive growth of their intellectual potential was made possible only by the cultural restart brought about by the change in the political situation after the Schmalkaldic War of 1547, which met with a somewhat negative response in both earlier and modern historiography. However, through the study of book culture, we are becoming convinced that the bourgeoisie began to compensate for the privileges which the monarch had deprived them of through various forms of self-education and self-presentation, by means of which it revived itself from these medieval residuals and at the same time competed with the aristocracy., Petr Voit., Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy, and Jan Pulkrábek [překladatel]
The author analyses in detail the unpublished text (Gens Boemica), uniquely preserved in the manuscript of the National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague, III G 16, fol. 62rv. First, it takes note of the circumstances of its entry in the given codex, then its formal and content aspects; based on the subsequent historical analysis, the conclusion is drawn that it is and as-yet unknown Hussite manifesto, which reacts to the collapse of the meeting of the adherents to the calix with Sigismund in Cheb in May 1431. The author also follows the place of the investigated manifesto in the sequence of known agitation publications from the summer of 1431 and discovers new intertextual and chronological connections. An edition of Gens Boemica, a collation of a newly traced manuscript of Cesarini´s manifesto with an edition by Bohumil Ryba and a schematic outline of the agitation publications from the period before the battle at Domažlice are attached to the study., Dušan Coufal., and V příloze pražský manifest „Gens Boemica” (editio critica)
This article presents some manuscript texts that shed new light on the protests against the indulgence campaign connected to the promulgation of Pope John XXIII’s crusade against King Ladislas of Naples in 1412. Thanks to the sources in the University Archives in Vienna, the arrival of indulgence preachers to Prague is set to early April 1412. This new dating suggests that abstrakty a period of negotiations predated the start of the campaign (possibly on 22 May 1412). These negotiations were accompanied by public controversy. Among evidence of it are the first version of Jan Hus’s polemic Contra cruciatam II and a fragment of a sermon possibly from 12 May 1412, both of which are edited in the appendix. Also edited is a statement on indulgences by a Prague Hospitaller John. This text lets emerge a hitherto unnoticed controversial indulgence campaign that ran parallel to that of John XXIII. The sources suggest that the conflict in Prague in 1412 was escalated not so much by a shock caused by the sale of indulgences but rather by a premeditated Wycliffite counter-campaign. and Pavel Soukup.