Opevnění vnitřního areálu budečského hradiště zkoumali nezávisle na sobě Z. Váňa a M. Šolle. Oběma autory v podstatě shodně stanovený vývoj hradby na Budči bývá začleňován do studií zabývajících se problematikou raného středověku. V tomto příspěvku proto demonstruji rozdíly ve vývoji vnitřní hradby ve Váňově a Šollově řezu valem. Uvádím výsledky revizního zpracování Šollova výzkumu valu u rotundy sv. Petra a Pavla, které nastiňují novou interpretaci vývoje vnitřního budečského opevnění. Tyto nově stanovené vývojové fáze hradby v prostoru u rotundy pak srovnávám s vývojem hradby ve Váňově řezu valem a předkládám zpřesněné chronologické schéma vývoje vnitřního budečského opevnění. Zároveň přibližuji keramický materiál, o nějž Váňa opřel datování vzniku první raně středověké hradby na Budči do přelomu 8./9. stol. a jejž nikdy nezveřejnil. and On the development of the inner defences at Budeč. The fortification of the inner area of the Budeč hillfort has been investigated independently by Z. Váňa and M. Šolle. Both authors place the development of the rampart at Budeč among those studies considering questions related to the Early Middle Ages. This contribution, then, demonstrates the differences in the evolution of the inner rampart apparent in the sections by Váňa and Šolle. The results are presented of a revision and reassessment of the Šolle’s investigation of the rampart at the Rotunda of SS Peter and Paul, which outlines a new interpretation of the development of the inner defences at Budeč. These newly established developmental phases in the area of the rotunda are then compared with the development of the defences in Váňa’s section through the rampart, and a more precise chronological scheme of the development of the inner defences is provided. In closing, the ceramic material on which Váňa based the dating of the first Early Medieval fortification at Budeč to the turn of the 8th/9th century, and which has not hitherto been published, is considered.
The temporary lowering of the water level in Dalešice Reservoir for maintenance in the autumn of 2021 created an opportunity to conduct an archaeological investigation of the Kramolín hillfort – a site permanently flooded since the 1970s. A small group of archaeologists reached the shore of Kramolín island by boat and performed the survey with metal detectors and GPS hand held devices. This survey produced a large collection of lithic artefacts, pottery sherds, and isolated metal artefacts from different prehistoric periods (including the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Roman period and Early Middle Ages), which had already been identified during previous excavations. However, although the site was illegally surveyed with metal detectors earlier, several important artefacts were still found. In addition, the current state of the overlying sediment and its erosion was documented. The survey showed that the site is not yet exhausted and repeated survey in the case of the lowered water level can again provide more important information about this site.