One of the leaved out fault active systems at Southern Moravian can be considered the so called Diendorf - Čebín tectonic zone (DCTZ), that is seismically active in its southern segment (in Austrian). The Waitzendorf fault is a part of the DCTZ, with intensive morphological signs. The terrain recognizance along the eastern margin of the Dyje Dome confirmed many indi cations showing evidence of geodynamic activity. The facets, old land slides and rock falls indicate recent activity in the environs of Znojmo area. The paper offers interpretation of the geodetic results (GPS) using morphological and geophysical data from all area of the DCTZ ., Lubomil Pospíšil, Pavel Roštínský, Otakar Švábenský, Josef Weigel and Michal Witiska., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Thessaly lies on the Aegean (micro-)plate, undergoing internal crustal deformation due to the plate relative motion against the adjacent Anatolian and Nubian plates. As a result, the whole Thessalian Basin was supposed to be under an extensional tectonic regime of N-S direction. However, the recent earthquake sequence of March 2021 which occurred close to the northwestern margin of the basin revealed NE-SW direction of extension. Based on 7-year GPS measurements recorded by stations installed within and around the basin we assessed four deformational parameters for Thessaly aiming at the understanding of the deformation processes that control the region. These parameters are i) the Maximum Horizontal Extension (MAHE), ii) the Total Velocity (TV), iii) the Maximum Shear Strain (MSS), and iv) the Area Strain (AS). The results show that during the monitoring period, Thessaly moved toward the S-SW with a simultaneous clockwise rotation and underwent dispersed deformation mostly associated with dilatation. Focusing on the epicentral area of the 2021 sequence, strain during the 7-year period was rather low in all three strain parameters, implying a mature stage of elastic strain accumulation before the fault rupture., Ilias Lazos, Sotirios Sboras, Konstantinos Chousianitis, Stylianos Bitharis, Evaggelos Mouzakiotis, Vassilios Karastathis, Christos Pikridas, Aristeidis Fotiou and Dimitris Galanakis., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper describes the researches upon the precise short-time GPS solutions made in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology. The data from ASG-EUPOS (Polish Active Geodetic Network) was processed using Bernese 5.0 software and EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) standards and models. In this study, the adopted 3-hour observation window is shifted every hour obtaining geocentric coordinates in ITRF2005 reference frame. The adjusted network consisted of over 130 stations from Poland and the neighbouring countries, the period covered observations collected from 8.06.2008 to 18.06.2010. These two years of observations allowed to examine short-period oscillations which we found as closely related to the tidal (dynamic) frequencies. The analysis of the residua from IERS2003 tidal model was performed using least squares method with the Eterna software upon the idea of Chojnicki. It confirmed existence of the significant energy in the frequencies corresponding to S1, K1 and K2. The effects in S1 frequency reflect thermal influences, but the reasons of K1 and K2 existence could be both: dynamic (liquid core resonance and non-linearity of K1 are very difficult for modelling as well as the annual modulation of S1) or artificial (GPS satellites’ orbiting period, dynamic changes of satellites’ constellation and network geometry, multipath, residual tropospheric and ionospheric errors etc.). Since the phase of K1 for all 130 sites is very inconsistent the local effects could be also taken into account as one of the possible reasons. The paper describes the idea of the data processing and analysis, presents the results of vertical (Up component) oscillations in main tidal frequency bands, but also includes the discussion on the possible explanation of existence of short period oscillations in GPS precise solutions., Janusz Bogusz and Jan Hefty., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper contains the studies of the noise level in GPS (Global Positioning System) time series. As the data for this research the authors used changes of the geodetic coordinates of the ASG-EUPOS and associated (Slovak and Czech) sites. The method of precise GPS observations processing in short-time intervals was worked out in the Centre of Applied Geomatics, Military University of Technology. The authors focus on the diurnal and sub-diurnal frequency bands (tidal) as the tidal effects influence the sites’ positions at the most and the model used in the standard processing software does not contain geodetic coefficients. Thus the residual values of the geodetic coordinates time series should hold some information in the shape of coloured noise. The paper comprise short description of the Earth tides phenomenon, the concept of the tidal parameters determination, character of the white and coloured noise and the assessment of the noise estimation from GPS data. As the processed network contains 130 sites the spatial distribution of the noise’s parameters is also investigated., Janusz Bogusz and Bernard Kontny., and Obsahuje bibliografii
An observation network was built to observe the process of creating of a subsidence depression above exploited coal mining panels near Karviná. Points of the observation network were periodically surveyed by geodetic GPS method from 2006 to 2009. This method enables the evaluation of both vertical subsidence and horizontal shifts. Such complex evaluation of processes on the surface of the undermined area makes it possible to understand the progress of the subsidence depression caused by undermining. The results have shown on areas of irregular development of the subsidence depression. The irregularities are caused by a complicated tectonic situation and former exploitation in given locality and also active exploitation in the surroundings of given locality., Hana Doležalová, Vlastimil Kajzar, Kamil Souček and Lubomír Staš., and Obsahuje bibliografii
In the contribution the results of repeated precise levelling and GPS measurements at the central part of the Diendorf-Čebín tectonic zone (DCTZ) are presented. This morphologically very expressive tectonic system that belongs to a typical type of transcurrent tectonic system, with activity from Protherozoic up to recent period in separate parts is considered to be a seismoactive fault, too. Preliminary results at two measured profiles across central part of eastern marginal fault of the Boskovice Furrow confirmed expected vertical movement tendencies. It is evident that all tectonic system is seismoactive not only in the Lower Austria district but also in its northern continuation., Lubomil Pospíšil, Otakar Švábenský, Josef Weigel and Michal Witiska., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Přestože navigační systém GPS (Global Positioning System) americké armády byl navržen s metrovou přesností, jednoznačně se ukázal být přesnější minimálně o dva řády. Tato přesnost byla dosažena jednak díky prudkému vývoji elektroniky (přijímačů) a přesnosti dat, jednak díky redukcím dat, intenzivnímu výzkumu a spolupráci civilní mezinárodní služby IGS (International GPS Service), která zahrnuje více než 200 vládních a výzkumných organizací celého světa. IGS nepřetržitě operuje s více než 350 stanicemi GPS, archivují se a kontrolují data a rovněž se s vysokou přesností určují trajektorie a opravy hodin družic GPS, polohy a opravy hodin stanic sítě IGS. Určuje se pohyb zemského pólu a přesná troposférická a ionosférická zpoždění. Díky IGS jsou přesná statická a kinematická určení poloh (mm-dm) možná i z jedné stanice s jednoduchými programy, anebo s plně automatizovanými řešeními, která jsou volně přístupná na internetu. V současné době GPS a IGS umožňují kromě aplikací v geofyzice širokou škálu aplikací v příbuzných oborech, jako jsou např. geodézie, astronomie, meteorologie, oceánografie, hydrologie a metrologie., Jan Kouba., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The aim of this contribution is a detection of geodynamic effects at a very distant geodynamic station GOPE in the middle of Europe (Czech Republic). Strong earthquake, followed by strong indirect effect (tsunami), with the parameters (26.12.2004, 00:58:53.4 UTC, mag. 9.0, latitude 3.295N, longitude 95.982E, depth 30 km) was analysed from the records of tidal gravimeter (ASK No.228) with respect to free oscillations of the Earth (spheroidal component), by spectral analysis. This analysis detected significant vertical component of GOPE position in relatively long time interval (several hours) after the beginning of the earthquake. To verify the geodynamic tendencies of the GOPE station movements the GPS observations were analysed at the same time interval. We had data with 1s sampling interval at our disposal. For analysis we used PPP (Precise Point Positioning) method which produces absolute values of the coordinates in the ITRF 2000 system. Possible correlations between the results of both ways have been searched. We concentrated consequently to the determination of mean displacements and on the attempt of detection of some amplitudes of following free oscillations of the Earth. Mean change of position of the station GOPE during and after the earthquake, detected from the results of GPS observations is about 1.5 cm in horizontal and height components. Amplitude magnitudes for frequencies of the free oscillations of the Earth, which were analysed either from gravimetric data or from the GPS data, are equal in order. The study of free oscillations of the Earth by application of GPS is completely new. Studying of free oscillations is usualy accomplished by data from seismometers, tiltmeters or superconducting gravimeters., Petr Lukavec, Jan Kostelecký, Antonín Zeman, Jakub Kostelecký, Jan Kouba and Vojtěch Palinkáš., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The results presented in this paper concern investigation of environmental influences to GNNS coordinates on the example of ASG-EUPOS network. The problem of the impact of environmental effects is crucial for observing gravity. Satellite systems are not as susceptible to changes in local hydrology or atmospheric effects, although significant influences are clearly visible in the change of coordinates. The authors analyzed daily and sub-daily solutions (geocentric coordinates) in the context of different disturbances to eliminate sites suffering from poor quality for further researches (e.g. data from the most reliable ASG-EUPOS stations will be used for investigating the correlation of their movements with the lithosphere deformations on territory of Poland). There are many doubts regarding proper antennas’ placement - as they are mostly placed on the roofs, there were questions if data from these sites can be used for scientific purposes like velocity estimations or geodynamical researches. Analysis of daily solutions was supposed to prove that the majority of Polish sites give fully valuable data. Some factors that may cause a precision decreasing can be avoided or eliminated in the future. Taking into consideration that GLONASS will be soon fully operational and it will be an alternative for commonly used GPS, the authors made separate elaboration of GPS and GLONASS data. Usage of two different satellite systems holds the potential to increase of solutions’ reliability and eliminate errors that could be possibly related to the specific satellite system. Base on time series of coordinates residual values, systematic errors that could prove geophysical and geodynamical influence on GNSS measurements were investigated. In this elaboration only post-processing observations were taken into account, but the monitoring of the network in the near real-time by means of coordinates’ stability is under development., Janusz Bogusz, Mariusz Figurski, Krzysztof Kroszczyński and Karolina Szafranek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The GRID_STRAIN software that runs under the MATLAB® environment helped us in achieving the continuous strain field model. Unfortunately, the program averages the results. Therefore, the authors’ main goal of this paper was to work out a method of good verification of data to avoid falsifying of the results of strain calculations. We decided to use the method of the Delaunay triangulation to build a set of triangles of the data (EPN and ASG-EUPOS stations as the vertexes) and by the use of the velocities of each point and their errors, to estimate the single strain in each triangle. This approach made it possible to exclude the outlying values from the data. Selection of the criteria of the characteristic of insufficiently stable points in order to remove them from further computations is of a great importance for the final results of computations of the deformation field. In such a tectonically stable region, as the area of Poland, the strain values should not be higher than 3 to 4 nanostrains/year. At the low rate of tectonic deformations observed in Poland, the disturbances resulting from insufficient stabilization of the ASG-EUPOS network influence the computations of the deformation field to a significant extent. Improper stabilization of a single permanent station causes unification of the deformation field within 2 to 3 computation triangles having a common vertex at this station. Based on this assumption, nearly 30 of the ASG-EUPOS stations were excluded from further strain calculations. The analysis of the geodynamic consistency of the deformation field for the computation triangles is basis for indicating stations for which the dislocation resulting from insufficient stabilization, significantly exceeds the dislocation resulting from the deformation of the lithosphere. Most of the ASG-EUPOS network stations may be used for analysis of local differentiation of the deformation field in Poland., The regularities of the deformations distribution determined by ASG-EUPOS network stations constitute a new set of data which will be used for further geodynamic interpretation. In case of lower rank disturbances resulting from destabilization of the network stations, this factor’s component cannot be recognized using qualitative analysis of the deformation field., Janusz Bogusz, Anna Klos, Mariusz Figurski, Marek Jarosinski and Bernard Kontny., and Obsahuje bibliografii