This paper presents the results of the application of wavelet decomposition to processing data from the GGP sites (The Global Geodynamics Project). The GGP is an international project within which the Earth's gravity field changes are recorded with high accuracy at a number of stations worldwide using superconducting gravimeters. Data with a 5-second sampling interval from Wettzell and Bad Homburg were used for the research. The wavelet transform enables the investigation of the temporal changes of the oscillation amplitudes or the decomposition of the time series for the analysis of the required frequencies. The wavelet decomposition was performed using the regular orthogonal symmetric Meyer wavelet. The research concerned data from an earthquake period recorded at various locations and a quiet period when the gravimeters worked without any disturbances. The decomposition was followed by the Fast Fourier Transform for signal frequency components and then by correlation analyses of corresponding frequency components (for periods from 10 to 60 000 seconds) for all sensor combinations, for the quiet and the earthquake periods separately. Frequency components defining long term changes for all sensor combinations, as well as combinations between two sensors at the same site for the quiet days are characterised by high correlation coefficients. For the time of the earthquake, the Wettzell site data proved strong correlation for all frequency components, while the Bad Homburg site data showed an unexpected decrease of correlation for the majority of frequency components. The authors also showed that wavelet decomposition can be a good method of data interpolation, especially from the time of earthquakes. Moreover, it is a very useful tool for filtering the data and removing the noises., Janusz Bogusz, Anna Klos and Wieslaw Kosek., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Karst landforms can result from a single stage process in which chemical dissolution and mechanical erosion proceed simultaneously or from a two stage process in which chemical dissolution precedes mechanical erosion. During the second of these processes, chemical dissolution leads to the creation of karst features hosting a residual weathering product, here referred to as alterite. An example of one such feature is the enclosed mass of altered rock at Červený Quarry near Klukovice which represents one of the richest localities for exceptionally preserved echinoderm ossicles in the Prague Synform. In this study the processes responsible for the formation of this feature have been investigated. Nineteen samples were obtained from the bioclastic Slivenec Limestone and from these it has been possible to calculate the carbonate volume content, which defines the weathering intensity, and the carbonate rock weathering index, which defines the weathering state. The results demonstrate that carbonate dissolution has not been accompanied by gravitational compaction or the incorporation of mineral inputs. Thin sections analysed under polarised light and under cathodoluminescence emphasise heterogeneous dolomitisation of the limestone. As the weathering grade intensifies, empty rhomboidal pores become increasingly common until, ultimately, the rhomboidal forms are lost due to corrosion and enlargement. In contrast it is rare to find evidence of calcite dissolution and, therefore, the altered mass still hosts almost all of its post dolomitisation micrite, sparite, and bioclasts. Negligible calcite dissolution helps to explain the exceptional nature of the fossil preservation at the site while the dolomite dissolution accounts for the ease with which it is possible to extract the fossils. Further research should focus on better understanding the role of dolomite dissolution in the formation of other important palaeontological localities in the Prague Synform., Matt Rowberry, Caroline Dubois, Olivier Kaufmann, Jean-Marc Baele and Jan Blahůt., and Obsahuje bibliografii
von J. Mücke, Datace podle dobové inzerce na rubu listu a podle údajů z Deutsche Nationalbibliothek k jiným vydáním mapy., and Barevná mapa v rámu se zeměpisnými souřadnicemi. Název vně rámu nahoře uprostřed (další bibliografické údaje na rubu listu v rámci "titulního listu"), tamtéž vlevo: "12.neubearbeitete Auflage", vpravo potom: "25. + 26. Tausend". Měřítko vně rámu dole uprostřed, tamtéž vlevo signování: "Gezeichnet von J. Mücke, Glogau.", vpravo další signování: "Lith, Druck u. Verlag von A. Blazek, Freiwaldau." V rámu v pravém horním rohu vysvětlující legenda. Na rubu mapového listu dobová inzerce.
Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is suitable to process the nonlinear and non-stationary time series for filtering noise out to extract the signals. The formal errors are provided along with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) position time series, however, not being considered by the traditional EMD. In this contribution, we proposed a modified approach that called weighted Empirical Mode Decomposition (weighted EMD) to extract signals from GNSS position time series, by constructing the weight factors based on the formal errors. The position time series over the period from 2011 to 2018 of six permanent stations (SCBZ, SCJU, SCMN, HLFY, FJPT, SNXY) were analyzed by weighted EMD, as well as the traditional EMD. The results show that weighted EMD can extract more signals than traditional EMD from original GNSS position time series. Additionally, the fitting errors were reduced 14.52 %, 12.25 % and 8.06 % for North, East and Up components for weighted EMD relative to traditional EMD, respectively. Moreover, 100 simulations of four stations are further carried out to validate the performances of weighted EMD and traditional EMD. The mean Root Mean Squared Errors (RMSEs) are reduced from traditional EMD to weighted EMD with the reductions of 9.08 %, 9.63 % and 6.84 % for East, North and Up components, respectively, which highlights the necessity of considering the formal errors. Therefore, it reasonable to conclude that weighted EMD can extract the signals more than traditional EMD, which can be suggested to analyze GNSS position time series with formal errors., Xiaomeng Qiu, Fengwei Wang, Yunqi Zhou and Shijian Zhou., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Our long-term palaeoecological research on plant and mollusc assemblages in more than 170 isolated fen sites in the Western Carpathians proved a sharp gradient of species turnover spans from west to east, mainly in the distribution of so-called re - lict species, independent of any ecological difference among sites. Fossil evidence and radiocarbon dating evidenced that sites in the outer flysch part (e.g. border area between the Czech and the Slovak Republics) are much younger than those located in the Inner Western Carpathians, host many relict species and have a Holocene continuity. We also confirmed that se - veral presumable relict species are signifi - cantly related to old sites originating from the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary. and Michal Horsák a kol.