The American astronaut, Andrew Feustel, who took "Krtek" (the Little Mole), the cartoon character created by the Czech animator Zdeněk Miler, into space with him aboard the Endeavour space shuttle last May, completed a visit to the Czech Republic during which he promoted science and technology among young Czechs. The Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, which invited Feustel to Prague, awarded him the Honorary Medal "De Scientia Et Humanitate Optime Meritis" for propagating science and research. He is the third American astronatu, after John Blaha and Eugene Cernan, to have a Czech connection, his wife Indira's mother, having been born in Znojmo. This was the second time Feustel took something "Czech" with him into space. On his first mission in May 2009, he brought along a book of poems entitled Cosmic Songs by the Czech writer Jan Neruda. and Luděk Svoboda.
Dr. Petr Jehlička, Snr Lecturer in Environmental Geography at the Open University in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, points out that some twenty-five years after the end of socialism, between one and two thirds of the East European middle classes still continue to grow some of the food consumed in their households - mostly not for economic reasons but primarily as their hobby. Nevertheless, social sciences in the West and a considerable part of scientific literature on home gardening in the global North continue to view this informal food production in Eastern Europe as an activity of mainly disadvantaged segments of society. He argues, moreover, that concepts generated in the Western context, where this activity is only marginal, are considered as universal knowledge, while data gathered in Eastern Europe, where household food production is dominant, are viewed as marginal and less interesting. He also describes ways in which Eastern Europe can contribute to broad international debates about this issue and various other topics in social sciences. and Jana Olivová.
Díky výborné spolupráci Akademie věd ČR a Velvyslanectví USA navštívil Českou republiku v rámci popularizace vědy opět jeden z nejzkušenějších amerických astronautů Andrew Feustel. Cílem jeho programu byly přednášky, besedy a diskuze se studenty a širokou veřejností. Prof. Eva Zažímalová, předsedkyně AV ČR, která nám v této souvislosti poskytla rozhovor, k tomu dodává: "Považujeme za skvělé, že se nám daří popularizovat vědu třeba i tím, že do Česka zveme významné světové osobnosti - a takovou osobností Andrew Feustel bezesporu je." and Jana Žďárská, Eva Zažímalová.