Basis der vorgelegten Untersuchung war die Seriation von Keramik aus ungestörten Inventaren der Siedlungen von Neckenmarkt und Strögen, Ostösterreich. Bei dieser Seriation war es erstmals gelungen, Phasen innerhalb des altbandkeramischen Fundgutes zu erarbeiten. Die drei derart erfaßten Siedlungsphasen erlaubten die Beobachtung der feintypologischen Entwicklung der Keramik ebenso wie die Erschließung von Bauabfolgen an den beiden Plätzen. Für die absolute Datierung der drei Siedlungsphasen wurden 10 Holzkohleproben im Rahmen eines eigenen Forschungsprojektes gemessen, die durch drei Daten aus früheren 14C-Messungen an Getreide ergänzt wurden. Die Meßergebnisse der Proben sowie deren Einzel– und Gruppenkalibrationen zeigten, daß die erwartete Gesamtdauer von etwa 75–150 Jahren für alle drei Siedlungsphasen trotz Hochpräzisionsmessungen derzeit noch zu kurz ist, um eine absolute Datierung der einzelnen Phasen zu erlauben. Durch die neue Datenserie und deren Gesamtgruppenkalibration ist aber nunmehr der Zeitrahmen für die altbandkeramische Besiedlung der beiden Fundstellen zwischen 5380– –5200 BC mit 53,6 % Wahrscheinlichkeit gesichert. and 14C-DATES AND SERIATION OF EARLY LINEAR POTTERY–CULTURE INVENTORIES. The investigation presented in this paper is based upon the seriation of ceramics from undisturbed inventories of the settlements Neckenmarkt and Strögen, eastern Austria. The result of this seriation was the first successful attempt to define settlement phases within the earlier Linear Pottery culture. The three occupation phases deduced that way permitted to see the development of the pottery as well as the succession of the buildings on both places. With the aid of an own investigation project 10 charcoal samples of the three settlement phases were analysed, which were completed by three previous measurements of grain. The dates obtained by all these samples, their calibration one by one and in groups showed the expected time span of around 75 to 150 years for all three settlement phases together is too short at the moment to date each phase, even when using high precision measuring like AMS. According to the new dataset of 14C-dates and their calibration as a group the time span for the occupation of the two places during the earlier Linear Pottery culture can be fixed between 5380–5200 BC with 53,6% probability.
The metabolic pathway of primary carbon fixation was studied in a peculiar pennate marine diatom, Haslea ostrearia (Bory) Simonsen, which synthesizes and accumulates a blue pigment known as "marennine". Cells were cultured in a semi-continuous mode under saturating [350 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1] or non-saturating [25 µmol(photon) m-2 s-1] irradiance producing "blue" (BC) and "green" (GC) cells, characterized by high and low marennine accumulation, respectively. Growth, pigment contents (chlorophyll a and marennine), 14C accumulation in the metabolites, and the carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity of the cells were determined during the exponential growth phase. Growth rate and marennine content were closely linked to irradiance during growth: higher irradiance increased both growth rate and marennine content. On the other hand, the Chl a concentration was lower under saturating irradiance. The distribution between the Calvin-Benson (C3) and β-carboxylation (C4) pathways was very different depending on the irradiance during growth. Metabolites of the C3 cycle contained about 70 % of the total fixed radioactivity after 60 s of incorporation into cells cultured under the non-saturating irradiance (GC), but only 47 % under saturating irradiance (BC). At the same time, carbon fixation by β-carboxylation was 24 % in GC versus about 41 % in BC, becoming equal to that in the C3 fixation pathway in the latter. Internal CA activity remained constant, but the periplasmic CA activity was higher under low than high irradiance. and M. Rech, A. Morant-Manceau, G. Tremblin.
V poslední době jsme získali z laboratoře v Groningen nová konvenční radiocarbonová data pro několik lokalit magdalénienu. Spolu s ostatními dosud známými daty z moravského magdalénienu jsme je podle kalibrační křivky INTCAL 04 převedli na data kalibrovaná. Na jejich podkladě jsme přehodnotili dosavadní představy o chronologické pozici magdalénienu na Moravě. and New conventional radiocarbon data have been recently obtained from the Groningen laboratory for several Magdalenian sites of Moravia. These, together with the dates previously known for the Moravian Magdalenian, have been converted into calibrated dates using the INTCAL 04 calibration curve. On this basis earlier conceptions of the chronological position of the Magdalenian in Moravia have been re-evaluated.
Nové výzkumy a revize starších nálezů umožnily identifikovat bohaté pohřebiště únětické kultury starší doby bronzové v Klecanech (střední Čechy). Jeden z nově prozkoumaných hrobů obsahoval čepel dýky a sekeru se lžícovitým ostřím. Povrch sekery nese stopy používání, což vylučuje její výhradní roli symbolického artefaktu. V korozních vrstvách na povrchu se dochovaly zbytky textilií. Z kostry pochází 14C datum 3478 ± 31 BP (2σ 1888–1736 a 1712–1695 BC). and The Únětice culture cemetery in Klecany, Central Bohemia. New research and a re-analysis of older finds enabled a rich cemetery of the Únětice culture (Early Bronze Age) in Klecany (distr. Prague-East) to be identified. One of the newly examined graves contained a dagger blade and an axe with spoon-shaped blade. The axe surface bears use wear traces, which rules out its exclusive role as a symbolic artefact. Textile remains were preserved in the corroded surface layers. A 14C date of 3478 ± 31 BP (2σ 1888–1736 and 1712–1695 BC) was obtained from the skeleton.