This article affirms the modern origin of sociology as a science and posits a critical posture as its fundamental component. As such, sociology is opposed to any dogmatic conception of knowledge. The critical stance has both internal and external dimension. Sociology is under the obligation to observe a constant vigilance towards the knowledge it produces. A considerable methodological privilege bestowed upon the researchers in sociology requires that they have to be capable of criticizing their conceptual tools and operational procedures. Furthermore, critical attitude consists also in questioning conditioning of results linked to the dependence arising from the subsidizing of research. These preconditions of critical posture are illustrated by consideration of the challenges of researching the so-called “school failure”. Ultimately, responsibility commands a sociologist to respect the principle of precaution. When political action is concerned, the researchers must demand that their rights of intellectual property be preserved. To criticize, in this sense, is not to denounce; nonetheless, sociology will only remain faithful to what can pass legitimately as its essence by demanding the right, against threats and seductions, to speak the truth about social reality. and Claude Javeau.
V Základu všeho vědosloví se Fichte pokouší o založení veškerého poznání na takzvaných zásadách. Tento jeho cíl je zvláštním výrazem projektu sebezajištění člověka, který je charakteristický pro důležitý posun moderní metafyziky. Pohyb k sebezajištění zde dokonce kulminuje: získává formu představení lidské bytosti jako entity ustavující (a vytvářející) sebe samu a spolu se sebou také celek (zakoušeného) jsoucna. Založení poznání je tak v tomto Fichtově díle zcela podřízené projektu explicitního sebeustavení lidské bytosti opřeného o prakticko-teoretickou jistotu vlastní ontologicko-ontické prvotnosti., The effort of Fichte’s Foundations of the Entire Science of Knowledge is to ground the whole of the science in so called principles. This aim is a specific expression of the project of self-assurance of human being characterizing the important movement of modern metaphysics. The movement towards self-assurance even culminates here: it gets a form of showing human being as an entity founding (or producing) itself and in totality with itself the whole of (experienced) actuality. The foundation of science is therefore in this Fichte’s work completely subordinated to the project of explicit self-constitution of human being based in practical-theoretical mastering of consciousness of its own ontological-ontical priority., and Richard Zika.