Historian Emanuel Svoboda at a gathering to mark the anniversary of the birth of Mikoláš Aleš in a fragmented segment from Československé filmové noviny (Czechoslovak Film News) 1952, issue no. 46. Svoboda on Bohumil Veselý's balcony. Svoboda with his wife Maryna (née Alšová) and an unidentified man on a park bench.
Sculptor Karel Pokorný giving a speech about Mikoláš Aleš in a fragmented segment from Československé filmové noviny (Czechoslovak Film News) 1946, issue no. 52. Pokorný working on a bust of J. V. Stalin in a segment from Československé filmové noviny (Czechoslovak Film News) 1952, issue no. 51.
Minister Zdeněk Nejedlý with his colleagues Zdeněk Fierlinger and Václav Kopecký on the platform during a First of May celebration. Nejedlý officially opens the Mirotice house where Mikoláš Aleš was born in a segment from Československé filmové noviny (Czechoslovak Film News) 1952, issue no. 46. On the occasion of his 75th birthday Professor Nejedlý accepts the Order of Lenin and an honorary diploma from the University of Moscow from Soviet Ambassador Aleksandr Efremovich Bogomolov in a segment from Československý filmový týdeník (Czechoslovak Film Weekly Newsreel) 1953, issue no. 9.