The study pays attention to the formation of the research into Nativ Americans, as well as to the ethical issues connected not only
with the discipline of cultural anthropology, but also of museology,
archaeology, or cultural studies. The study reflects the development
in the attitude to Nativ Americans since the second half of the 19th
century. It describes the foundation of the Institute of American Ethnology, the formation of anthropology in the USA as well as the era of Franz Boas, one of its founders. It also reflects the criticism by Indian academicians. It points out the interconnection between political ideologies, relation to Indians (and all indigenous inhabitants of North America) and definition of research, most visibly especially in connection with applied anthropology It also focuses on contemporary trends, ethical codes, and the role of the Native American and Indigenous Studies within the context of decolonization.
Kniha uznávaného amerického historika třetí říše patří ke klasickým pracím o německém wehramachtu. Autor se v ní zabývá především ideologickou indoktrinací Hitlerovy armády, sociálními vazbami uvnitř ní, válečnými zločiny a trestáním jejích příslušníků a konečně mechanismy sebeospravedlňování a poválečnou pamětí německých vojáků. Soud recenzenta o knize je výrazně pozitivní. and This is a review of the Czech translation of Hitler’s Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich (New York, 1992). The work, by the respected American historian Omer Bartov, is a classic among books on the Wehrmacht. In it, Bartov is concerned primarily with the ideological indoctrination of Hitler’s army, the social links within it, war crimes, and the punishment of Wehrmacht soldiers, and, ultimately, the mechanisms of self-justification and the post-war memories of German soldiers. The reviewer praises it highly.
The article deals with the manuscript DF V 11 housed in the Strahov Library and containing a transcription of the Tovačov Book - a manual of early Moravian provincial law. The text is analysed in a detailed way as this codex is missing in the list of the manuscripts of the Book compiled by Prof. Čáda in 1968.
The article deals with the manuscript DF V 11 housed in the Strahov Library and containing a transcription of the Tovačov Book - a manual of early Moravian provincial law. The text is analysed in a detailed way as this codex is missing in the list of the manuscripts of the Book compiled by Prof. Čáda in 1968.