The Feature-based (exponential model) Tagger is a fast implementation of the Czech tagger developed at UFAL and described in the PDT 1.0 documentation (Czech Language Tagging page). In order to get the best possible results, the tagger requires preprocessing by a Czech morphological module with a very high coverage. This module covers a superset of the Czech "FM" morphology. Both the morphological module and the tagger are supplied as binary executables, together with all necessary precompiled Czech data. Input must be in the ISO Latin 2 (iso-8859-2) code and follow the csts.dtd definition, and output is produced in the same way (ISO Latin 2 code, csts.dtd). (As is the case with many of the tools provided with PDT 1.0, both executables also accept - and then produce - a "simplified SGML", which is not a real, valid SGML, but simply contains at least the tags for words, punctuation, and sentence breaks, one item per line.)
The MORFO system for morphological analysis of Czech consists of four units: the analyzer, the generator, the dictionary editor, and the library with the shared source code for handling dictionary objects.
The Prague Dependency Treebank 2.0 (PDT 2.0) contains a large amount of Czech texts with complex and interlinked morphological (two million words), syntactic (1.5 MW) and complex semantic annotation (0.8 MW); in addition, certain properties of sentence information structure and coreference relations are annotated at the semantic level.
PDT 2.0 is based on the long-standing Praguian linguistic tradition, adapted for the current Computational Linguistics research needs. The corpus itself uses the latest annotation technology. Software tools for corpus search, annotation and language analysis are included. Extensive documentation (in English) is provided as well. and 1ET101120413 (Data a nástroje pro informační systémy) MSM 0021620838 (Moderní metody, struktury a systémy informatiky) 1ET101120503 (Integrace jazykových zdrojů za účelem extrakce informací z přirozených textů) 1P05ME752 (Vícejazyčný valenční a predikátový slovník přirozeného jazyka) LC536 (Centrum komputační lingvistiky)