This paper focuses on the design principles and features of the 'Digital Solomos' project, a digital edition of the corpus of Dionysios Solomos' manuscripts that is currently being developed at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The digital edition in question will include digital facsimiles of almost all of Solomos' draft manuscripts (provided by the institutes where they are housed) as well as digital tools to enhance the reader's interaction with the digital surrogates and the transcribed text. After a brief overview of the editing traditions developed around the editorial problem of Solomos' unfinished works, the paper focuses on the relationship between the digital edition under development and the groundbreaking diplomatic edition that Linos Politis envisioned and compiled in 1964. The features of the diplomatic digital edition are then described, namely its layout and the options it provides for manipulating the document facsimiles and analyzing the texts contained within them. Finally, the paper's closing section refers to the design and characteristics of the digital genetic edition of Funeral Ode II, a small poem by Dionysios Solomos, which will be the first (experimental) genetic edition to be included within the 'Digital Solomos' project.
This article deals with the development of the love relationships between the protagonists in the romances Livistros and Rodamni and Byzantine Achilleid. Focusing on the female protagonists and their characters, it pursues the potential shifts in their demeanours towards their male counterparts. The method used for the analysis of the characters is the actantial model by A. J. Greimas. Firstly, the article shows how the process of courtship transformed from an act of persuading the female protagonist in Livistros and Rodamni to the rather straightforward wooing in the Achilleid, despite the use of similar courtship methods. Second, it shows that the behaviour of the female protagonists also shifted; the complexity and craftiness of Rodamni contrasts with the much more direct and decisive character of Polyxeni. The article provides evidence of a shift in the portrayal of the love relationships in erotic fiction as well as a tendency to portray the female protagonists of such works as being more self-reliant and open-hearted.
A 1968 series of satirical audio sketches concerning the marriage and lifestyle of Aristotle Onassis and Jacqueline Kennedy provides an opportunity to re-examine the reputation of this famous couple. These recordings connect with well-known negative assumptions – both in the contemporaneous media and in the previously restricted governmental files from the British National Archives used here – about Kennedy's cynicism and Onassis' Greek heritage. It will also be argued here that Jackie's attempts to engage with Greece, especially Modern Greece, were a deliberate choice as part of her new identity, but in reality merely contributed to her damaged image.