The Dynamic Syntactic Atlas of the Dutch dialects (DynaSAND) is an on-line tool for dialect syntax research. DynaSAND consists of a database, a search engine, a cartographic component and a bibliography.
The Morphological Atlas of the Dutch Dialects (MAND) is based on phonetically transcribed speech. The speech recordings were made during a period from 1980 until 1995.
The Dutch Song Database (Nederlandse Liederenbank in Dutch) contains more than 125,000 songs in the Dutch and Flemish language, from the Middle Ages through the twentieth century.
The Typological Database System (TDS) is a web-based service that provides integrated access to a collection of independently created typological databases. It was developed with support from NWO grant 380-30-004 / INV-03-12 and from participating universities, and provides continued availability and extended documentation for its component databases, through a uniform structure and search interface. Web technologies evolve rapidly, and the system had begun to show its age even before the end of the project in 2009, motivating migration of the data collection to an archival platform. Through its Project Call 1, CLARIN-NL granted funding for migrating the resource to a durable, archival environment and converting it to a true web service architecture.