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2. Predmarčni pesnik, politik in prevajalec Anastazij Grün kot mecen na Kranjskem
- Creator:
- Žigon, Tanja
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- kulturna zgodovina, Kranjska, Anastazij Grün, Peter pl. Radics, nemško-slovenski stiki, cultural history, Carniola, Anastasius Grün, Peter von Radics, German-Slovenian contacts, and Slavonic Studies
- Language:
- Slovenian
- Description:
- V prispevku je predstavljeno manj znano prijateljstvo med predmarčnim pesnikom Anastazijem Grünom (1806–1876) in njegovim prvim biografom Petrom Pavlom pl. Radicsem (1836–1912). Radics je predmarčnega pesnika Anastazija Grüna spoznal konec petdesetih let 19. stoletja v Gradcu in mu v šestdesetih letih posvetil svojo razpravo o slavnem kranjskem deželnem glavarju Herbardu VIII. Turjaškem (1528–1575). Grün je z Radicsem prijateljeval in ga tudi finančno podpiral. To je Radicsu po eni strani omogočalo, da se je lahko nemoteno posvečal raziskovalnemu delu, po drugi pa se je s tem denarjem tudi preživljal. Na osnovi arhivskega gradiva je osvetljena ne le zgodba o njunem prijateljstvu, temveč tudi nekateri segmenti iz življenja in dela obeh osebnosti. Prispevek obenem ponuja tudi vpogled v kulturnozgodovinsko stvarnost na Kranjskem v drugi polovici 19. stoletja, ki so jo pogosto zaznamovali konflikti med kranjskim nemštvom in Slovenci. and The paper deals with the little researched friendship between Anastasius Grün (1806–1876) and his biographer Peter pl. Radics (1836–1912). Pavel von Radics met the pre-March Revolution poet Anastasius Grün at the end of the 1850's in Graz. In the 1860's, he dedicated to the latter his discussion about the renowned Carniolan governor Herbard VIII von Auersperg (1528–1575). Grün was friends with Radics and financially supported him. On the one hand, this enabled Radics to devote himself entirely to research work. On the other hand, the money enabled him to make a living. The paper is based on archival research and sheds a new light on their friendship as well as their personal and working lives. It also looks at the cultural and historical situation in the 19th-century Carniola, often marked by antagonisms between Slovenes and Germans in the region.
- Rights:
- CC BY-SA 4.0 International and unknown