70K words, Non-validated sentence segmentation. Non-validated POS tagging, Manual annotation of syntactic dependencies and dependency labels, Manual annotation of semantic roles, Manual annotation of events based on a shallow domain specific ontology (only for a 31K words subset of GDT)
HamleDT 2.0 is a collection of 30 existing treebanks harmonized into a common annotation style, the Prague Dependencies, and further transformed into Stanford Dependencies, a treebank annotation style that became popular recently. We use the newest basic Universal Stanford Dependencies, without added language-specific subtypes.
HamleDT (HArmonized Multi-LanguagE Dependency Treebank) is a compilation of existing dependency treebanks (or dependency conversions of other treebanks), transformed so that they all conform to the same annotation style. This version uses Universal Dependencies as the common annotation style.
Update (November 1017): for a current collection of harmonized dependency treebanks, we recommend using the Universal Dependencies (UD). All of the corpora that are distributed in HamleDT in full are also part of the UD project; only some corpora from the Patch group (where HamleDT provides only the harmonizing scripts but not the full corpus data) are available in HamleDT but not in UD.
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