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2. Classica atque mediaevalia Jaroslao Ludvíkovský octogenario oblata
- Publisher:
- Universita J.E. Purkyně
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Collection
- Subject:
- Classical Studies, Ludvíkovský, Jaroslav, 1895-1984, klasická filologie, klasická archeologie, and antika
- Language:
- English, Czech, French, Latin, German, and Russian
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
3. Figuren und Wortspiele in den byzantinischen Bettelgedichten und die Frage der Autorschaft
- Creator:
- Kulhánková, Markéta
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Byzantine begging poetry, poetic figures, wordplay, authorship, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The aim of this paper is to highlight some characteristic features in the use of poetical figures and puns in three corpora of Byzantine begging poems (Theodoros Prodromos, Manganeios Prodromos and Ptochoprodromos, mid-12th century) and to examine whether their analysis would shed light on the question of the authorship of these texts. At the beginning the two types of parallelism (antithesis) are presented - binary and triple -, characteristic not only for begging poetry but for the Byzantine "political verse", a fifteen-syllable accentual iambic verse in general. The paper continues with the analysis of the differences and similarities in the use of figures among the three collections. In Manganeios Prodromos the very frequent occurrences of paronomasia, figura etymologica and other (pseudo)etymological puns can be observed. Many similarities in the use of figures can be found between the poems of Ptochoprodromika and Manganeios Prodromos. On the other hand, Theodoros Prodromos' literary techniques are more varied and often without parallels in the other two collections. The paper also briefly discusses some hitherto unrecognized lexical and motific parallels between Manganeios Prodromos and the Ptochoprodromika collection.
- Rights:
- unknown
4. Graeco-Latina Brunensia
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Brno
- Subject:
- Classical Studies
- Language:
- English, German, Italian, and Czech
- Description:
- Časopis Graeco-Latina Brunensia, ISSN 1803-7402 je odborný recenzovaný časopis, který uveřejňuje příspěvky z klasické filologie, klasické archeologie, dějin starověku, medievistiky a také byzantologie i pozdějšího vývoje řeckého a latinského jazyka (či jevů z nich vycházejících). Vychází dvakrát ročně od r. 2009. Je pokračováním periodika Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity (SPFFBU; Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis), řady klasické (N), ISSN 1211-6335, která vycházela letech 1996-2008 a řady archeologicko-klasické (E), ISSN 0231-7915 (1956-1995). ,Graeco-Latina Brunensia, ISSN 1803-7402, is scholarly peer reviewed journal which publishes contributions from the fields of of Classical Philology, Classical Archeology, Ancient History, Medieval Studies, as well as Byzantine Studies and later development of the Greek and Latin languages. It has been published since 2009 and is issued twice a year. Graeco-Latina Brunensia is continuation of the periodical Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity (SPFFBU; Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis), Series classica (N), ISSN 1211-6335, which was published in 1996-2008 and Series archaeologica-classica (E), ISSN 0231-7915 (1956-1995).
- Rights:
- unknown
5. Guter Gott! Bonus deus in lateinischen Fluchtafeln
- Creator:
- Ehmig, Ulrike
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- defixiones, curse tablets, Latin inscriptions, epithets, bonus, performative adjective, communication with the Gods, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The article takes its starting point in the observation that the epithet bonus is rarely used for Gods in Latin inscriptions. In the case of the first and largest group bonus is an integral part of the name of a God (Bona Dea, Bonus Puer, Bona Fortuna). In the second group bonus is used as an epithet for abstract concepts of divine qualities (e.g. Bonus Eventus, Bona Mens, Bona Valetudo). In the third group remain two dozen inscriptions where a personalized God was characterized as bonus. Among these inscriptions are a lot of defixiones. This is an astonishing fact insofar as the defixiones had a negative and damaging intention. In the light of the other epithets used in Latin defixiones, the performative use of bonus is discussed.
- Rights:
- unknown
6. Mnema Vladimír Groh
- Publisher:
- Státní pedagogické nakladatelství
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Collection
- Subject:
- Classical Studies, Groh, Vladimír, 1895-1941, filologové -- Česko -- 20. stol., vysokoškolští učitelé -- Česko -- 20. stol., starověk -- dějiny, and kulturní dějiny -- starověk
- Language:
- Czech, French, English, Russian, German, and Italian
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
7. Obsah
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Table of Contents
- Subject:
- Classical Studies
- Language:
- English and German
- Rights:
- unknown
8. Obsah
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Table of Contents
- Subject:
- Classical Studies
- Language:
- English, German, Italian, and Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
9. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. N, Řada klasická
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Brno
- Subject:
- Classical Studies
- Language:
- English, French, German, Italian, Latin, and Czech
- Description:
- Řada klasická (řada N) Sborníku prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, ISSN 1211-6335, byla vydávána v letech 1996-2008, zároveň také s názvem Graeco-Latina Brunensia. Navázala na řadu E, argeologicko-klasickou. Uveřejňovala příspěvky z klasické filologie, klasické archeologie, dějin starověku, medievistiky a také byzantologie i pozdějšího vývoje řeckého a latinského jazyka. Od roku 2009 pokračuje jako vědecký časopis Graeco-Latina Brunensia, ISSN 1803-7402. ,Series classica (N) of Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity (= Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis) with parallel title Graeco-Latina Brunensia, ISSN 1211-6335, was published in 1996-2008. Before that, Series archeologico-classica (E) was published from 1956 to 1995. Series classica included contributions from the fields of Classical Philology, Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Medieval Studies, as well as Byzantine Studies and later development of the Greek and Latin language. Since 2009 continues as scholarly journal Graeco-Latina Brunensia, ISSN 1803-7402, and is issued twice a year.
- Rights:
- unknown
10. Synodalpredigt von Jan Hus Diliges Dominum Deum
- Creator:
- Lukšová, Zuzana
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- synodical sermon, Jan Hus, John Wyclif, medieval preaching, and Classical Studies
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The sermon with central theme Diliges Dominum Deum was preached by Jan Hus as his first synodical sermon at the synod of Prague Archdiocese on the feast of st. Lucas at the 19th of October 1405. This text, written in form of thematic preaching, is concerned with usual problems of the Church at that time, especially with sins of adultery and simony. The value of the sermon lies in an opening part, in which Jan Hus described his ecclesiological meanings based on the opinions of John Wycliff. This occurence of Wycliffe's ecclesiology is one of the earliest evidences of his influence over Jan Hus' concept of the Church. The aim of this paper is to introduce the sermon Diliges and the context, in which was preached. Attention will be paid not only to content, but also to form of the sermon.
- Rights:
- unknown