Izlaganje se osvrće na funkciju i status mitoloških tema i figura u spjevu Vila Slovinka (1614) Jurja Barakovića. Spjev posjeduje određeni sloj motivike i figuralnosti antičke mitološke provenijencije u mjeri koja je bila široko rasprostranjena u književnosti ranoga novog vijeka kao svojevrsna humanistička legitimacija obrazovana pisca i kad piše na vernakularu. Posttridentski utjecaj na spjev odražava se u žanrovskim i tematskim obilježjima drugoga dijela spjeva, koja čine otklon u odnosu na prvi njegov dio zamišljen i napisan prvotno kao samostalna cjelina, a posttridentski duh regulira i (ne)prisutnost mitskih tema, motiva i popularnih figura. Budući da su mitološka motivika, tematika i figuracija svojevrstan odraz autorova obrazovnog, a kršćanska njegova svjetonazornog habitusa, zanimljivo je kontekstualizirati napor uložen u koegzistenciju humanističkog i posttridentskog kao dvaju obrazaca u djelu. and This paper reflects upon function and status of mythological topics and figures in the poem Vila Slovinka (1614) by Juraj Baraković. The poem in its entirety possesses a significant layer of antique figurality of mythological provenance, that was widespread in the literature of the early modern period, as a kind of humanistic legitimization of an educated writer, even whilst writing in vernacular. The post-Tridentine influences on the poem are reflected in genre and topical features of the second part of the poem, which represent a deflection in relation to its first part, originally conceived and written as a self-contained whole; and which are further reflected in interfering mythical topics and popular figures. Since mythological and Christian motifs, topics and figurations indicate both the author's educational and ideological habitus respectively, it is interesting to contextualize the effort invested in the coexistence of the humanist and the post-Tridentine, the two patterns coexisting in the poem.