1. Cyril a Metoděj a velkomoravská misie očima bulharské menšiny v česku Creator: Krejčová, Elena Format: text/pdf Type: Article Subject: Cyril and Methodius, the Great Moravian mission, Bulgarian minority, and Slavonic Studies Language: Czech and Bulgarian Description: The paper deals with the problems of the contemporary cult towards Cyril and Methodius and its reflection in the magazines of Bulgarian minority organizations in the Czech republic. Rights: unknown and embargoed access
2. Kъм въпpoca зa пoвтopитeлнocттa нa литepaтypния тип : Maтeй Бpoyчeк и Гaньo Бaлкaнcки Creator: Todorov, Veličko Format: text/pdf Type: Article Subject: Slavonic Studies and Czech Studies (literature) Language: Bulgarian Rights: unknown
3. První pokus o básnický překlad Slova o polku Igoreve do bulharštiny a lidová slovesná tvorba Creator: Dorovský, Ivan Format: text/pdf Type: Article Subject: Slavonic Studies and Czech Studies (literature) Language: Czech, Bulgarian, and Russian Rights: unknown