Czech models for MorphoDiTa, providing morphological analysis, morphological generation and part-of-speech tagging.
The morphological dictionary is created from MorfFlex CZ 2.0, DeriNet 2.1 and the PoS tagger is trained on Prague Dependency Treebank - Consolidated 1.0. and This work has been using language resources developed and/or stored and/or distributed by the LINDAT/CLARIN project of the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic (project LM2010013).
The Czech morphologic system was devised by Jan Hajič.
The MorfFlex CZ dictionary was created by Jan Hajič and Jaroslava Hlaváčová.
The morphologic guesser research was supported by the projects 1ET101120503 and 1ET101120413 of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and 100008/2008 of Charles University Grant Agency. The research was performed by Jan Hajič, Jaroslava Hlaváčová and David Kolovratník.
The tagger algorithm and feature set research was supported by the projects MSM0021620838 and LC536 of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, GA405/09/0278 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic and 1ET101120503 of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The research was performed by Drahomíra "johanka" Spoustová, Jan Hajič, Jan Raab and Miroslav Spousta.
The tagger is trained on morphological layer of Prague Dependency Treebank PDT 2.5, which was supported by the projects LM2010013, LC536, LN00A063 and MSM0021620838 of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, and developed by Martin Buben, Jan Hajič, Jiří Hana, Hana Hanová, Barbora Hladká, Emil Jeřábek, Lenka Kebortová, Kristýna Kupková, Pavel Květoň, Jiří Mírovský, Andrea Pfimpfrová, Jan Štěpánek and Daniel Zeman.
The Czech models for Korektor 2 created by Michal Richter, 02 Feb 2013. The models can either perform spellchecking and grammarchecking, or only generate diacritical marks. and This work was created by Michal Richter as an extension of his diploma thesis Advanced Czech Spellchecker. The models utilize MorfFlex CZ dictionary ( created by Jan Hajič and Jaroslava Hlaváčová.
The dataset contains 4731 frozen continuous Czech multiword expressions. Inflectional word forms are generated for those MWEs where applicable. In total, the dataset contains 24,807 MWE forms.
Czech Named Entity Corpus 1.1 fixes some issues of the Czech Named Entity Corpus 1.0: misannotated entities are fixed, all formats contain the same data, tmt format is replaced with treex format, all formats contain splitting into training, development and testing portion of the data. and SVV 267 314 (Teoretické základy informatiky a výpočetní lingvistiky), LM2010013 (LINDAT-CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat), GPP406/12/P175 (Vybrané derivační vztahy pro automatické zpracování češtiny), PRVOUK (PRVOUK)
Czech Named Entity Corpus 2.0 is a corpus of 8993 Czech sentences with manually annotated 35220 Czech named entities, classified according to a two-level hierarchy of 46 named entities. and SVV 267 314 (Teoretické základy informatiky a výpočetní lingvistiky), LM2010013 (LINDAT-CLARIN: Institut pro analýzu, zpracování a distribuci lingvistických dat), GPP406/12/P175 (Vybrané derivační vztahy pro automatické zpracování češtiny), PRVOUK (PRVOUK)
The corpus consists of recordings from the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. It currently consists of 88 hours of speech data, which corresponds roughly to 0.5 million tokens. The annotation process is semi-automatic, as we are able to perform the speech recognition on the data with high accuracy (over 90%) and consequently align the resulting automatic transcripts with the speech. The annotator’s task is then to check the transcripts, correct errors, add proper punctuation and label speech sections with information about the speaker. The resulting corpus is therefore suitable for both acoustic model training for ASR purposes and training of speaker identification and/or verification systems. The archive contains 18 sound files (WAV PCM, 16-bit, 44.1 kHz, mono) and corresponding transcriptions in XML-based standard Transcriber format (
The date of airing of a particular recording is encoded in the filename in the form SOUND_YYMMDD_*. Note that the recordings are usually aired in the early morning on the day following the actual Parliament session. If the recording is too long to fit in the broadcasting scheme, it is divided into several parts and aired on the consecutive days.
Tokenizer, POS Tagger, Lemmatizer, and Parser model based on the PDT-C 1.0 treebank ( The model documentation including performance can be found at . To use these models, you need UDPipe version 2.1, which you can download from .
CERED (Czech Relationship Dataset) is a family of datasets created via distant supervision on Czech Wikipedia and Wikidata. It was created as part of a thesis on Relationship Extraction (2020).
CERED0 is the largest dataset, it lacks negative relation and its relation inventory is huge.
CERED*n* is a subset of CERED*n-1* that satisfies some conditions. The methodology of curating the datasets is detailed in the thesis.
The format of the data is jsonL and the tools used to generate the dataset is python.
This is a dataset for natural language generation (NLG) in task-oriented spoken dialogue systems with Czech as the target language. It originated as a translation of the English San Francisco Restaurants dataset by Wen et al. (2015).
It includes input dialogue acts and the corresponding output natural language paraphrases in Czech. Since the dataset is intended for recurrent neural network based NLG systems using delexicalization, inflection tables for all slot values appearing verbatim in the text are provided.