Search Results
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- Galerie osobností, People::Folprecht Zdeněk (1900-1961), and People::Funk Vilém (1875-1955)
- Description:
- Two footages of politician Vilém Funk in front of a villa.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- rentgen, endokrinologie, lékař při práci, Galerie osobností, and People::Laufberger Vilém (1890-1986)
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Endocrinologist and academician Vilém Laufberger working with his patients in a fragmented newsreel shot.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- vivarium, opice krmení, Galerie osobností, Places::Praha::Vinohrady::Havlíčkovy sady::vivarium, and People::Němec Vilém (1857-1942)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Professor and explorer Vilém Němec by the vivarium in Havlíček Gardens in Prague. Němec feeding monkeys.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- Galerie osobností, Places::Praha::Nové Město::Školská::pavlač domu, and People::Mlejnek Vilém Prokop (1906-1975)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Composer Vilém Prokop Mlejnek on Bohumil Veselý's balcony.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- Galerie osobností, Places::Praha::Nové Město::Školská::pavlač domu, and People::Rittershain Vilém (1989-1963)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Film architect Vilém Rittershain on Bohumil Veselý's balcony.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- Galerie osobností and People::Weiss Vilém (1859-1937)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- An image of Vilém Weiss, the owner of Pokrok Cinema.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- Galerie osobností, Places::Praha::Nové Město::Školská::pavlač domu, and People::Werner Vilém (1892-1966)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Playwright Vilém Werner on Bohumil Veselý's balcony.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- ateliéry filmové interiér, film Bibi natáčení, režisér filmový, herečka ve filmovém ateliéru, automobil, Galerie osobností, Places::Německo:: Berlín::filmové ateliéry, People::Zítek Vilém (1890-1956), People::Ondráková Anny (1902-1987), and People::Lamač Karel (1897-1952)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Opera singer Vilém Zítek in raw footage with Anna Ondráková and Karel Lamač on the set of Bibi (dir. Karel Lamač, 1928). Zítek getting in a car.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- ateliér malířský, malíř při práci, obrazy Beneš Vincenc, Galerie osobností, People::Beneš Vincenc (1883-1979), and People::Benešová (neuvedeno-)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Painter Vincenc Beneš works in his studio and in his garden. Beneš with his wife and children in the artist´s studio.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
- Creator:
- Veselý, Bohumil
- Publisher:
- Národní filmový archiv
- Type:
- video and clip
- Subject:
- cedule Orientální ústav, Galerie osobností, Places::Praha::Malá Strana::Lobkovický palác /sídlo Orientálního ústavu/::dvůr, and People::Lesný Vincenc (1882-1953)
- Language:
- No linguistic content
- Description:
- Orientalist and Indologist Vincenc Lesný in the courtyard of the Oriental Institute in Prague. Lesný with an unidentified young man.
- Rights:
-, PUB, and Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)