Relying on thorough examination of relevant archival material, this paper analyzes the attitudes and behavior of the Austrian Chancellor Metternich during the second Meḥmed cAlī crisis from 1839-1841, which arose from the antagonism between Sultan Maḥmūd II and his powerful Egyptian vassal, Meḥmed cAlī. The object of this study is not simply an analysis of Austrian diplomacy. Attention is also paid to Metternich’s attitude towards the Ottoman reform movement, his “church policy” in the spring of 1841, and the false and frequently repeated accusation by then French historians that he was the instigator of Mustafa Reshīd Pasha’s fall at the end of March in 1841.
Opportunities and risks following current European elections and maintaining and improving the health of citizens in EU countries was a major theme of the EHFG annual conference in October in Gastein, Austria. The Ebola crisis in six African nations, with about 14,000 reported cases and 4,900 deaths, was another topic of discussion by the 600 leading experts in attendance. The World Health Organization states 4.7 million people could be infected and 1.2 million people could die from Ebola by June 2015. The crisis is not just an epidemic, it is a systemic failure of our global health care model, according to experts. Moreover, it is a failure on governance, international development assistance, but primarily on the failure to take immediate action. and Marina Hužvárová.
In many Austrian catchments in recent decades an increase in the mean annual air temperature and precipitation has been observed, but only a small change in the mean annual runoff. The main objective of this paper is (1) to analyze alterations in the performance of a conceptual hydrological model when applied in changing climate conditions and (2) to assess the factors and model parameters that control these changes. A conceptual rainfall-runoff model (the TUW model) was calibrated and validated in 213 Austrian basins from 1981–2010. The changes in the runoff model’s efficiency have been compared with changes in the mean annual precipitation and air temperature and stratified for basins with dominant snowmelt and soil moisture processes. The results indicate that while the model’s efficiency in the calibration period has not changed over the decades, the values of the model’s parameters and hence the model’s performance (i.e., the volume error and the runoff model’s efficiency) in the validation period have changed. The changes in the model’s performance are greater in basins with a dominant soil moisture regime. For these basins, the average volume error which was not used in calibration has increased from 0% (in the calibration periods 1981–1990 or 2001–2010) to 9% (validation period 2001–2010) or –8% (validation period 1981–1990), respectively. In the snow-dominated basins, the model tends to slightly underestimate runoff volumes during its calibration (average volume error = –4%), but the changes in the validation periods are very small (i.e., the changes in the volume error are typically less than 1–2%). The model calibrated in a colder decade (e.g., 1981–1990) tends to overestimate the runoff in a warmer and wetter decade (e.g., 2001–2010), particularly in flatland basins. The opposite case (i.e., the use of parameters calibrated in a warmer decade for a colder, drier decade) indicates a tendency to underestimate runoff. A multidimensional analysis by regression trees showed that the change in the simulated runoff volume is clearly related to the change in precipitation, but the relationship is not linear in flatland basins. The main controlling factor of changes in simulated runoff volumes is the magnitude of the change in precipitation for both groups of basins. For basins with a dominant snowmelt runoff regime, the controlling factors are also the wetness of the basins and the mean annual precipitation. For basins with a soil moisture regime, landcover (forest) plays an important role.
Příspěvek Jiřího Sehnala je zprávou o mezinárodní muzikologické konferenci, která se uskutečnila v rakouském Göttweigu ve dnech 16. až 18. května 2011., Jiří Sehnal., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
The topic of this article is the engagement of Lipolt Krajíř of Kraig († 1433) in the Hussite wars. Krajíř was among the innumerable members of Sigismund of Luxembourg’s retinue who actively fought the Hussites in three central European lands. Lipolt’s importance within the Catholic party is especially proven by the fact that he was transferred—by Sigismund of Luxembourg and then by the Austrian Duke and Moravian Margrave Albert II of Habsburg—to places which were long threatened by the Hussites (České Budějovice) or actually under attack by them (Moravia, Austria).
This study attempts to analyse the basic tendency of the Austrian state to regulate and control the move of inhabitants. After fading of population theories that saw state wealth in the population growth, therefore supporting immigration, the period of the Napoleonic wars came that became catalyser of a rapid legal development in the field of immigration. Entirely unprepared Austria specialised its basic strategies in respect of foreigners and of the population move control. The attitude of the state to foreigners determines their "utility for the state", which finally results in the establishment of categories of foreigners: privileged, facultative, and undesirable. Applying practical examples, the study specifies such classification of foreigners and of their destinies within the Austrian state. The privileged: The Netherlands textile specialists in the fine cloth factory in Náměšť near Brno; Turkish merchants and subjects of the High Porte of the Jewish religion; the facultative: the Netherlands state officers who, due to their loyalty to Austria, had to leave their homeland after the occupation of the Austrian Netherlands (later Belgium) by the French Republic; the undesirable: The French who were potentially suspected of propagation of revolution ideas or of espionage; here examples of the high French nobility have been specified, i.e. of the de Bombelles family and of dismissed highranking officers of the elite Prince de Condé Regiment (then in active service of Russia)., Zdeňka Stoklásková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
This article was created to the occasion of Czech presidential election in 2018. In light of the 100th anniversary of Austria and Czechoslovakia the article offers a comparison of Austrian and Czech presidential powers. With regard to common history of both countries it reflects the development from monarchy to a republican system in Austria. The role of president as a representative of statehood is treated with regard to major state functions: legislation, judiciary and administration., Herbert Schambeck., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
A major reform in the reign of Joseph II was the establishment in 1786 of the provincial building directorates, through which the court aimed to regulate all public building works in the monarchy. Although the original aim of unifying building regulations throughout the realm was never achieved, the reform was a success and remained in force, with a few minor amendments, until the revolutionary year of 1848. One reason for its success was the elite corps of civil engineers who staffed these institutions. This study looks at advances in technical education, especially engineering, in the Habsburg monarchy from the beginning of the 18th century and the emergence of the Collegia Nobilia, or elite colleges, where graduates were prepared for a career in the Imperial Army. Besides military architecture, the colleges also taught the fundamentals of civil engineering, turning out some of the best‐trained creators of early modern architecture. The development and nature of this elite engineering training is examined with reference to the engineering academies of Prague, Vienna and Olomouc. In all three cases we stress the colleges’ status within the state framework, and their evolution in the light of changing official doctrine and methods of instruction. In all three cases it is clear that during the latter half of the 18th century the original ‘aristocratic’ colleges began to decline and were slowly replaced by similar state‐controlled establishments. As a first step, the court of Joseph II introduced a specialized course in practical architecture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. From around 1800 this model was gradually superseded by the progressive French‐style polytechnic, a modified version of which remains the standard model for technical education to this day., Michal Konečný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy