Apolipoproteins E and CI are the predominant components of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins. The genes are located in one gene cluster and both are polymorphic. Three allelic (ε2, ε3 and ε4) polymorphisms of the APOE gene influence plasma cholesterol levels. The distribution of these alleles differ between ethnic groups. PCR genotyping was used to determine the APOE and APOCI allele incidence in a representative group of 653 probands (302 men and 351 women) of Czech origin. The observed relative frequencies for the ε2, ε3 and ε4 alleles were 7.1 %, 82.0 % and 10.9 %, respectively, and are similar to other middle European populations. APO ε4 carriers have the highest and APO ε2 carriers the lowest levels of plasma total cholesterol (p<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (p<0.0001). The frequency of the insertion (I) allele (HpaI restriction site present) of the APOCI polymorphism was 18.5 %. APOCI I/I homozygotes have the highest level of triglycerides (p<0.003). An almost complete linkage disequilibrium of the insertion allele of APOCI with the APOE alleles ε2 and ε4 has been detected and suggests that the deletion in the APOCI gene probably follows the deriving of all three APOE alleles on the APO ε3 allele background., J. A. Hubáček, J. Piťha, V. Adámková, Z. Škodová, V. Lánská, R. Poledne., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Dyslipidemia is the risk fact or of cardiovascular disease, but the relationship between the plasma triglyceride (TG) levels and total/cardiovascular mortality has not yet been analy zed in Slavs. The aim of our study was to analy ze the association between the fasting TG levels and all- cause/cardiovascular mortality. We have examined 3,143 males and 3,650 females, aged 58.3±7.1 years. 729 deaths (274 cardiovascular deaths) have been registered during up to 11.8 years of follow -up. Age -sex adjusted all -cause mortality was higher in individuals with TG values 3.01 -4.00 mmol /l (HR 1.37, 95 % CI 1.02- 1.83, P=0.035) and over 4.00 mmol /l (HR 1.66, 95 % CI 1.21 -2.27, P=0.002) when compared with a reference group (TG 1.41 -1.80 mmol /l). Elevated risk remains significant when adjusted for education, marital status and unemployment. When further adjusted for smoking, BMI and dyslipidemia interventions, HR for those in above 4.00 mmol/l group decreas ed (1.42, P=0.04). The results have been similar when cardiovascular mortality has been examined, however, results reached statistical significance only for the TG over 4.0 mmol /l (P=0.028). Our results confirmed that enhanced plasma levels of plasma triglycerides are dose dependently associated with increased risk of all- cause mortality, however, it s eems that individuals with TG values 1.8 -3.0 mmol /l are not in higher risk of death., H. Pikhart, J. A. Hubáček, A. Peasey, R. Kubínová, M. Bobák., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Kosmické aktivity mají v Česku dlouhou tradici od samého počátku kosmického vědeckého výzkumu, kdy bylo tehdejší Československo zapojeno do projektů Interkosmos a Magion. Od roku 2008 je Česká republika členskou zemí Evropské kosmické agentury ESA. Toto členství umožňuje českým vědcům a inženýrům zapojovat se do technologicky nejšpičkovějších kosmických projektů. Tento článek je stručným přehledem hlavních vědeckých projektů ESA, do kterých je Česká republika zapojená. and Jiří Svoboda, Ondřej Santolík, Ivana Kolmašová, Jan Souček, Petr Heinzel.