‘Carantanian / Köttlach’ jewellery from southwest Slovakia and from the other parts of the Carpathian Basin. In the Slovak and Hungarian archaeological literature, a small group of early medieval jewellery from southwest Slovakia was labelled as being of ‘Carantanian / Köttlach’ provenance, meaning that it originated from Eastern Alps region (today’s Austria and Slovenia). The goal of the article is a revision of the issue of provenance in the context of analogous finds from Moravia and the Carpathian Basin (i.e. today’s Hungary, western Romania and northeastern Croatia). The provenenace from the Eastern Alps region can be confirmed in the case of several Slovak finds only, the others are of local origin. Also, from the point of view of chronology, we are dealing with a relatively heterogenous group of jewellery, with a date-range from the turn of the 8th-9th centuries to the 11th century. The author tries to demonstrate that the argument in the middle of the 20th century and later about the ‘influences from the Eastern Alps region’ was dependent on the state of archaeological research at that time. It was a viewpoint that over-emphasised the importance of early medieval ‘Köttlach culture’ in Eastern Alps region, especially for the spreading of some jewellery types to other regions of middle and southeastern Europe., Šimon Ungerman., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The issue of migration among the rural population living on the lands of the Czech Crown in the early modern age continues to attract only marginal attention in Czech historiography. Therefore, those people who lived on the very edge of that society remain outside the scope of research interest. The Romany Gypsies who were bom without homes, lie also outside the traditional focus of attention. In the early modern age, anyone could kill a Romany Gypsy without punishment; people were meant to despise them and were even supposed to persecute them. The Romany Gypsies were therefore forced to develop a specific strategy of action, which was intended to help them survive, and a significant role in this strategy was played by migration. A condition for survival was not only the need to maintain a strong internal structure within the Romany Gypsy group, but also the need to create ties with a settled society. These ties ensured, in the case of a threat, at least some form of a rudimentary protective social network. Such ties were probably passed down from generation to generation and the Romany Gypsies therefore, as much as was possible, restricted their movements to only well-known areas. On their travels through the landscape they tried to obtain food not only through begging and theft, but also by telling fortunes and reading palms, skilfully taking advantage of the fact that in the eyes of the settled population their lives were cloaked in mystery. However, they never forgot to emphasise their ties to the land in which they were bom and the impossibility of leaving it for another land. A question remains for further research as to whether they were persecuted for their ethnic origin or whether it was because of their nomadic lifestyle, which enabled them to evade the mechanisms of social control.
Studie se věnuje problematice podnikového managementu a úskalím „socialistické kontroly“ v československých podnicích v období pozdního socialismu. S využitím pramenů Komunistické strany Československa a Státní bezpečnosti, dobových textů a odborných publikací ukazuje, jak se stranické a státní orgány neúspěšně snažily učinit z kontroly funkční nástroj realizace hospodářské politiky státostrany. Autor analyzuje používané kontrolní mechanismy a nastiňuje základní příčiny až fatálního selhání kontrolní činnosti systému, jenž byl svým způsobem kontrolou doslova posedlý. Vysvětluje systémovou podmíněnost kontroly, kterou socialističtí manažeři dokázali v mnoha ohledech přizpůsobit potřebám svěřených hospodářských jednotek, což přirozeně nekorespondovalo s celospolečenskými zájmy. Na příkladech řady konkrétních kauz studie názorně ukazuje, že si československý podnikový management v osmdesátých letech dvacátého století plně uvědomoval systémové, politické i společenské limity kontrolní činnosti, kterou vcelku úspěšně dokázal přizpůsobit vnitropodnikovým podmínkám. Výsledkem byl stav, kdy stranické vedení reagovalo na stále očividnější symptomy „agonie centrálně plánované ekonomiky“ přijímáním rozmanitých směrnic a direktiv pro zefektivnění kontroly a důsledné prosazování zásady „kdo řídí - kontroluje“. Očekávaný efekt ovšem nenastal a nefunkčnost kontroly přispěla nakonec nemalou měrou ke zhroucení komunistického režimu v Československu., The study deals with issues of corporate management and pitfalls of the "socialist supervision" in Czechoslovak enterprises in the period of late socialism. Using documents of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the State Security, period texts and specalized publications, it shows how party organs and state authorities were unsuccessfully trying to make supervisory mechanisms and audits a functional tool of the implementation of the ruling party´s economic policy. The author analyzes the supervisory and audit mechanisms that were used, and outlines basic reasons of the almost fatal failure of supervisory activities of the system which was, in a way obsessed with supervison and control. He explains the systemic conditionality of the supervisory system which socialist managers often and in many respects bent to suit the needs of the enterprises they were in charge of; such situation naturally did not match the needs of the society as a whole. Using many specific cases as an example, the study graphically shows that members of the Czechoslovak corporate management community in the 1980s were fully aware of systemic political and social limitations of the supervisory system which they managed to modify, fairly successfully, to suit intra-corporate conditions. The result was a situation in which the party leadership was reacting to increasingly obvious symptoms of the "agony of the centrally planned economy" by adopting various directives and guidelines to make the supervisory process more effective and to consistently promote the "whoever manages - supervises" principle. However, the anticipated effect did not materialize and, at the end of the day, the non-functional supervisory mechanisms made a substantial contribution to the collapse of the Communist regime in Czechoslovakia., Tomáš Vilímek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Klíšťata sají obrovské množství krve, která je jejich jediným zdrojem živin a energie. Přesný enzymatický mechanismus zpracování krve ve střevě klíšťat však kupodivu nebyl donedávna vůbec znám. Náš komplexní molekulární model trávení hostitelského hemoglobinu u klíštěte obecného (Ixodes ricinus) poprvé odhalil analogii enzymatického aparátu s krevsajícími ploštěnci a hlísticemi, a zároveň tato znalost představuje zásadní poznatek pro účinný boj s klíšťaty a jimi přenášenými patogeny., Ticks (in this case Ixodidae and Argasidae) feed on enormous amounts of host blood, which provides their ultimate source of energy and nutrients. There has been only limited evidence on the exact molecular mechanisms of blood digestion in ticks. For the first time, our complex enzymatic model of proteolytic digestion in the Common Tick (Ixodes ricinus) reveals the analogy of tick intestinal proteolysis with bloodfeeding platyhelminthes and nematodes and presents a future application potential in tick or tick-borne pathogen interventions., and Daniel Sojka.
Úvod: U 60 % nemocných s kolorektálním karcinomem jsou diagnostikovány jaterní metastázy (JMKRK), ať už v době stanovení diagnózy, nebo v průběhu léčby. Chirurgická léčba je jedinou potenciálně kurabilní metodou s pětiletým přežíváním dosahujícím cca 50 %. Jaterní resekci však podstoupí méně než 20 % pacientů s JMKRK. Společnou snahou onkologů a chirurgů je navýšit počet resekovaných pacientů. Jedním z postupů, jak navýšit resekabilitu JMKRK, je „liver first approach“ (LFA). Autoři prezentují vlastní předběžné výsledky této metody. Metody: Do multicentrického grantu IGA MZ NT 13660 – Hodnocení kvality multimodální péče u nemocných s jaterními metastázami kolorektálního karcinomu – bylo od září 2012 do ledna 2015 zařazeno v ÚVN 102 pacientů. LFA jsme použili u 12 pacientů (12 %). Po příznivé léčebné odpovědi neoadjuvantní systémové léčby jsme pacienty indikovali k resekci jater. U 11 pacientů se jednalo o mnohočetné (>4 meta) bilobární postižení. V jednom případě se jednalo o objemnou solitární metastázu pravého jaterního laloku. Primární tumor byl u 9 nemocných v rektu, u 3 v oblasti rektosigmatu, 3 pacienti měli derivační kolostomii, ostatní byli bez poruchy pasáže. Výsledky: U 11 pacientů jsme provedli R0 resekci jaterních metastáz, 3x jsme indikovali dvoufázovou hepatektomii s portální embolizací (PVE), 1x jsme pro progresi po PVE ustoupili od 2. fáze). Velkou resekci jsme provedli 7x, neanatomickou resekci včetně RFA 11x (6x v kombinaci s velkou resekcí). Perioperační mortalita byla nulová, morbidita 33 % (Dindo-Clavien >2). 10 pacientů absolvovalo adjuvantní chemoterapii, 7 z nich včetně radioterapie malé pánve pro lokálně pokročilý tumor rekta. U 7 pacientů (58 %) jsme doplnili resekci primárního tumoru. V současné době zemřeli na progresi onemocnění 2 pacienti (17 %), progresi onemocnění jsme zaznamenali u 6 pacientů (50 %). Závěr: LFA považujeme za vhodný především u pacientů s generalizovaným tumorem rekta, kdy lze po resekci jater adjuvantní systémovou léčbu kombinovat s radioterapií malé pánve. Otázkou zůstává načasování operace primárního tumoru, kdy je nutné vyloučit recidivu jaterních metastáz, která se objevuje u více než 50 % pacientů. Profit LFA musí být prokázán randomizovanými studiemi., Introduction: Liver metastases are diagnosed in 60% of patients with colorectal cancer, both at the time of diagnosis or later in the course of their management. Surgical treatment is the sole potentially curable method with 5–year overall survival of approximately 50%. However, only less than 20% of patients underwent liver resection. A joint effort of medical oncologists and surgeons is to increase the numbers of resected patients. The “liver first approach” (LFA) is one of approaches aimed at increasing resecability. The authors present their preliminary results using this method. Methods: 102 patients were included in the multicentre study supported by the grant IGA NT 13660 − Evaluation of quality of multimodal treatment for patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases – conducted at the Central Military Hospital between September 2012 and January 2015. We used LFA in 12 patients (12%). Patients were indicated for liver resection based on good response to neoadjuvant systemic therapy. Multiple bilobar liver involvement (>4 metastases) was present in 11 cases and one large solitary metastasis in the right liver lobe in one case. The primary tumor was located in the rectum in 9 patients, in the rectosigmoid in 3 patients; 3 patients had a colostomy. Others showed no signs of bowel obstruction. Results: We have performed R0 resections in 11 cases, and two-stage hepatectomy with portal vein embolisation was indicated 3 times (in one case we did not finish the second stage due to quick progression after PVE). We performed major resections 7 times, along with sever extraanatomic resections, incl. 11 RFA (6 times in combination with major resections). Perioperative mortality was 0%, morbidity 33% (Dindo-Clavien >2). Ten patients underwent adjuvant chemotherapy, in 7 cases including radiotherapy of the small pelvis due to a local advanced primary tumor. Resection of the primary tumor was done in 7 patients (58%). Two patients died recently because of disease progression (17%); progression was observed in 6 patients (50%). Conclusion: We deem the LFA suitable especially for patients with metastatic rectal tumors where adjuvant systemic therapy can be combined with radiotherapy. The timing of the resection of the primary tumor still remains a question: it is necessary to rule out potential recurrence of liver metastases, which affected more than 50% of the patients. The benefit of LFA must be confimed by randomised studies., and J. Pudil, S. Batko, K. Menclová, M. Bláha, M. Ryska