People spend a large part of their awake time at work, which can have a huge impact on their life satisfaction. Scholars have found that job satisfaction influences life satisfaction, but the role of work alienation is little studied. While work alienation reportedly diminishes life satisfaction, just how job satisfaction relates with these two constructs has not yet been clarified. Currently, the role of labor union membership is an underestimated aspect of this relationship. Although the relationship between union membership and job satisfaction has been variously studied, its relationship with other variables (e.g., work alienation and life satisfaction) remains less investigated. To fill this gap, the authors examined the influence of work alienation on job and life satisfaction in relation to belonging or not to a public administration workers’ union. Self-report questionnaire responses (N=479) indicated a negative relationship between work alienation and job satisfaction and a negative influence on overall quality of life. The relationship between work alienation and life satisfaction, however, was moderated by union membership. Union memberships mitigated the negative relationship between work alienation and life satisfaction and may be considered a protective factor for workers’ quality of life. and Lidé tráví hodně svého času v práci, což může mít velký dopad na jejich životní spokojenost. Bylo zjištěno, že spokojenost s prací ovlivňuje spokojenost se životem, ale role práce byla málo zkoumána. Zatímco bylo zjištěno, že odcizení snižuje životní spokojenost, musí být ještě zkoumáno, jak spokojenost s prací souvisí s těmito dvěma konstrukty. V současné době je role členství v odborech podceňovaným aspektem tohoto vztahu. Ačkoli byl vztah mezi členstvím v odborech a spokojeností s prací zkoumán mnohokrát, vztah s jinými proměnnými (např. pracovní odcizení a spokojenost se životem) byl studován méně. Proto autoři zkoumali dopad pracovního odcizení na spokojenost s prací a životní spokojenost ve vztahu k členství v odborech pracovníků veřejné správy. Odpovědi na sebehodnotící dotazník (N = 479) naznačily negativní vztah mezi pracovním odcizením a spokojeností s prací a negativní vliv na celkovou kvalitu života. Vztah mezi pracovním odcizením a životní spokojeností byl však zmírněn členstvím v odborech. Členství v odborech zmírnilo negativní vztah mezi mezi pracovním odcizením a životní spokojeností a lze je považovat za ochranný faktor pro kvalitu života zaměstnanců.
Experimental data concerning the bioavailability of the different Mg-salts in human organism is inconsistent. Mg-absorption reported by clinical studies largely varies depending on the method used for evaluation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioavailability and accessibility of magnesium bound in different Mg-salt compounds, using an in vitro model of intestinal cell barrier. The study included a variety of inorganic (oxide, sulphate, chloride, carbonate) and organic salts (lactate, citrate, pidolate). Caco-2 cells were cultivated in a complete culture medium with different magnesium salts treatments in ascending concentrations. The viability and quantity of cells was analysed by FACS. Mg-absorption was analysed by a direct colorimetric assay, measured by spectrometry. T-test identified a significant decrease in cell count treatment with mg-lactate compared with citrate. Mg-pidolate showed a significantly higher cell viability compared with Mg-citrate, Mg-lactate and Mg-chloride. Even though the difference was not significant, we showed that an increase in Mg2+ salt concentration progressively decreased the cell count and the viability and the effect was universal for all the used Mg-salt treatments. Mg-citrate, chloride, and sulphate showed a significantly lower absorption compared to Mg-carbonate, pidolate and oxide. Our in vitro monolayer model of human intestinal transport showed that viability and quantity of cell decreased with increasing Mg-concentration. We admit that our experiment model may have some limitations in accurately describing an in vivo Mg2+ absorption. Moreover, it is also necessary to assess the relevance of our data in vivo and especially in clinical practice., Ján Kyselovič, Nikola Chomaničová, Adriana Adamičková, Simona Valášková, Barbara Šalingová, Andrea Gažová., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Myxobolus allami sp. n. is described from the intestinal wall of the silvery black porgy, Sparidentex hasta (Valenciennes), off Saudi Arabian coast of Arabian Gulf. Two of 20 examined fish were found to be infected with irregular-shaped plasmodia 3-8 mm long × 2-3 mm wide. Mature myxospores are subspherical to elliptical in the valvular view and oval in the sutural view, and are 11-13 (12) µm long, 7-8 (7.5) µm wide and 10-12 (10.8) µm thick. Spores have relatively thin valves and mostly (~ 72%) end with short caudal appendages of ~3 µm long. The spores also have two polar capsules, which are oval to elliptical and measure 5-7 (5.7) µm in length and 2-3 (2.7) µm in width. Polar filaments are coiled, with three turns. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that caudal appendages originated from the sutural edge at the posterior pole of the myxospore with density similar to that of its valves. The SSU rRNAgene sequence of the present species does not match any available sequences in GenBank. Phylogenetically, this species is sister to Myxobolus khaliji Zhang, Al-Qurausihy et Abdel-Baki, 2014 within a well-supported clade of Myxobolus-Henneguya with species infecting marine fishes. The combination of molecular data and morphological differences between this and other species of Myxobolus Bütschli, 1882 lead us to propose that the present form be established as a new species, M. allami. The present study also provides more evidence for the idea that caudal appendages cannot be reliably used to distinguish the species of the genera Myxobolus and Henneguya Thélohan, 1892.
Backward erosion piping is driven by seepage forces acting on the soil grains at the downstream end of the seepage path. A new device for the laboratory testing of backward erosion progression was developed and tested. The device consists of a plexiglass prism at which the seepage path has been predefined. The prism was equipped with an inflow consisting of gravel separated from tested sand by a strainer. The hydraulic gradient along the seepage pipe was observed by a set of piezometers and pressure cells, and the seepage discharge was measured volumetrically. The transported sediment was trapped in a vertical cone located downstream from the device. The progression of the seepage path, the piezometric heads and the trapped material was observed by two synchronous cameras. 15 trial tests have been carried out to date, and from these, the interim results are presented.
Combining a biotin-enrichment protocol and 454GS-FLX titanium pyrosequencing technology, we characterised 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the parasitic wasp, Habrobracon hebetor (Say) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a cosmopolitan species commonly used in biological control against a wide range of both major lepidopterous pests of stored products and field crops in different parts of the world. Three multiplex PCR sets were optimised and characterised across 46 H. hebetor specimens from two samples collected from millet fields in Niger. Two to 11 alleles were found per locus and observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.289 to 0.826. Polymorphism was detected in both samples with a similar level of observed heterozygosity (0.482 vs. 0.502) and number of alleles (4.1 vs. 3.6). Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was detected at the same five loci in both samples and five or seven more loci in each sample but was not associated with heterozygote deficiencies. Even though evidence for linkage disequilibrium was found between a few alleles, these new loci segregated independently. The variability of the 22 loci will enable estimates of genetic diversity and structure patterns, as well as gene flow between H. hebetor populations at different spatial scales. Cross-species amplifications were successful among the six Bracon spp. tested and nine loci will be particularly appropriate for population genetic studies in B. brevicornis., Madougou Garba, Anne Loiseau, Laure Benoit, Nathalie Gauthier., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fishway design not only takes into account the swimming abilities of target fishes, but also considers the hydrodynamic characteristics within the fishway. In this study, the flow fields of one vertical-slot fishway (i.e. VSF), five T-shape fishways (i.e. TSF-1~TSF-5) and two H-shape fishways (i.e. HSF-1 and HSF-2) are numerically simulated by solving the three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations and the K-Omega-SST turbulence model. The numerical results clearly indicate that the hydrodynamic properties of HSF-2 are overall superior to the remaining seven cases, in terms of the time-averaged flow pattern, the time-averaged velocity magnitude, the depth-mean timeaveraged velocity magnitude along the vertical-slot section, the volume percentages of the time-averaged velocity magnitude less than some critical values, and the distribution of the time-averaged turbulent kinetic energy. Therefore, HSF-2 is more friendly for fishes with relatively smaller sizes and weaker swimming capacities to transfer upstream. The novel HSF-2 is firstly proposed in this paper, and it is naturally designed during the process of improving the flow regime. Furthermore, the generalizability of the superiority of HSF-2 over VSF and the original T-shape fishway (i.e. TSF-1) has been exhibited with the aid of the numerical results of four operating conditions (i.e. Q = 400 L/s, 600 L/s, 800 L/s and 1000 L/s).
Objectives. The aim of this study was to explore possible relationships between the HEXACO personality traits (i.e., Extraversion, Emotionality, Honesty-Humility, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness to experience) and negative effects of psychotherapy. Sample and settings. A total of 148 respondents answered an online survey. Descriptive and multivariate regression analyses were performed. Hypotheses. Clients’ personality traits were expected to predict negative effects of psychotherapy. Results. Extraversion was the strongest negative predictor of negative effects, serving as a protective factor against worsening of symptoms, hopelessness, and stigma. Furthermore, Emotionality was related to lower perceived quality of psychotherapy, Conscientiousness was related to hopelessness, and Openness to experience served as a protector against dependency. Limitations. The findings are based on a onetime retrospective measurement and a convenience sample. The results must be interpreted with caution because the assumptions of linear regression were not fulfilled. and Cíle.Cílem této studie bylo prozkoumat možné vztahy mezi osobnostními rysy HEXACO (tj. Extraverze, Emocionalita, Poctivost-Pokora, Přívětivost, Svědomitost, Otevřenost vůči zku-šenosti) a negativními účinky psychoterapie.Výzkumný soubor a metody.V online průzkumu odpovídalo celkem 148 respondentů. Ve výzku-mu byly provedeny deskriptivní a vícerozměrné regresní analýzy. Hypotézy. Od osobnostních rysů klientů autoři očekávali, že predikují negativní účinky psy-choterapie. Výsledky. Extraverze byla nejsilnějším nega-tivním prediktorem negativních účinků psy-choterapie, sloužila jako ochranný faktor před zhoršením symptomů, beznadějí a stigmatizací. Faktor Emocionalita souvisel s nižší vnímanou kvalitou psychoterapie, Svědomitost souvisela s beznadějí a Otevřenost vůči zkušenosti slouži-la jako ochrana před závislostí na psychoterapii. Limity.Nálezy jsou založeny na jednorázovém retrospektivním měření a na limitujícím vzorku. Výsledky je nutné interpretovat opatrně, protože předpoklady lineární regrese nebyly zcela spl-něny.Závěr.Tato pilotní studie poskytla nové důkazy o roli faktorů na straně klienta při vysvětlování negativních účinků v psychoterapii. V datech vysvětlovaly osobnostní rysy HEXACO od 9 % do 23 % rozptylu u negativních účinků psycho-terapie. I když to znamená, že tyto osobnostní rysy hrají důležitou roli při vzniku negativních jevů, procenta vysvětlené variance (spolu se zkreslenými rezidui na provedených regres-ních analýzách) jasně ukázala, že existují další podstatné faktory, které je třeba pro vysvětlení těchto účinků objevit. Budoucí studie se mohou pokusit zahrnout kontextové, předterapeutické a terapeutické faktory, terapeutické procesy a důvody ukončení (Curran et al., 2019) spolu s osobnostními rysy klientů, aby určily jejich relativní vlivy na negativní účinky psychoterapie.
As apex predators with a regulating effect on interspecific competitors and prey demographics, monitoring of spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) population trends can provide a reliable indicator of ecosystem health. However, the ability of current survey techniques to monitor carnivore densities effectively are increasingly questioned. This has led recent studies to advocate increased application of spatial capture-recapture (SCR) methods to estimate population density for large carnivores. We reviewed the literature regarding methods used to estimate population density for spotted hyaena since 2000. Our review found that SCR methods are underutilised for estimating spotted hyaena density, with only eight published studies (13% of articles assessed) using an SCR approach. Call-in surveys were the most frequently used method, featuring in 47% of studies. However, 63% of studies that used call-in surveys could not estimate a site-specific calibration index. The calibration index estimates the distance and rate at which the focal species responds to audio lures and, as response rates are impacted by site-specific ecological and environmental factors, studies that could not calibrate this index are likely inaccurate. Further application of SCR techniques will allow more robust estimation of spotted hyaena density, reducing uncertainty and potential overestimation that limit inference from existing survey methods.
The Australian species of the genus Coelioxys Latreille are revised. Six species are recognized: Coelioxys albolineata Cockerell, 1905; Coelioxys froggatti Cockerell, 1911; Coelioxys reginae Cockerell, 1905; Coelioxys weinlandi Schulz, 1904 and two new species: Coelioxys julia sp. n. and Coelioxys tasmaniana sp. n. Three names are synonymized: Coelioxys biroi Friese, 1909 syn. n. and Coelioxys albolineata darwiniensis Cockerell, 1929 syn. n. under Coelioxys albolineata, and Coelioxys victoriae Rayment, 1935 syn. n. under Coelioxys froggatti. Species descriptions and redescriptions, illustrations, distribution maps, floral records and a key to both sexes of all species are provided., Léo Correia da Rocha-Filho., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Monogeneans rely on firm attachment to often flexible and uneven surfaces and are renowned for their effective posterior attachment structures in the form of adhesives, clamps, hamuli and suckers. Polystomatids do not secrete adhesives and do not have clamps. While only some have hamuli, all have suckers in the adult form. Three different types of haptoral suckers have been described based on basic morphology but have never been studied in depth. Using enzyme digestion and light (differential interference contrast), confocal and scanning electron microscopy, we examined representatives and propose four sucker types. Haptoral sucker Type I are symmetrical soft, flexible, cup- to disk-shaped suckers and are found in all polystomes infecting frogs and salamanders. Type II suckers are symmetrical soft, flexible, cup-shaped suckers with a hollow continuous skeletal ring and no other skeletal elements. They are found in species of Nanopolystoma Du Preez, Wilkinson et Huyse, 2008 infecting caecilians. Type III suckers are symmetrical firm, cup-shaped suckers with elaborate skeletal elements that contribute to a secure grip on the host tissue. This type of sucker is found in all polystomes infecting freshwater turtles and the common hippopotamus. Type IV suckers are asymmetrical with an elaborate series of long, thin sclerites with terminal spines or hooks. This type of sucker is only known from Concinnocotyla australensis (Reichenbach-Klinke, 1966) infecting the Australian lungfish. These different sucker types are crucial for the survival of polystomatid flatworms within their respective microhabitats.