Studie pojednává o problému identity díla v souvislosti s úlohou čtenáře. Rozvíjí podněty H. Schmidové, která konstatovala (1999), že se u Mukařovského uplatnily dva odlišné přístupy k literárnímu textu: poetologický a estetický. Mukařovského poetologický přístup zdůrazňoval uzavřenou strukturu díla jakožto artefaktu, zatímco Mukařovského estetika se zaměřila na otevřenost estetického objektu. Jankovič klade otázku, zda je identita díla vázána jen na neproměnnost uměleckého artefaktu. V tomto směru hledal český strukturalismus mladší generace vlastní cestu (Červenka 1996). V Mukařovského estetice se identita díla nevylučuje s proměnlivostí estetického objektu, její těžiště je totiž přeloženo do potenciální výkonnosti díla, do jeho významotvorné energie. Z vrcholu jeho možné estetické účinnosti, z perspektivy jeho jedinečných možností zasahovat a proměňovat vnímatelův vztah ke skutečnosti, je třeba se ptát po jeho identitě. Je to identita díla v pohybu, ve kterém se realizují – také díky vyvolané spoluúčasti vnímatele, jemuž není odepřen ani podíl na sjednocujícím sémantickém gestu – v proměnách časů energetické předpoklady díla. Mukařovského estetika nepopírá, pouze dynamizuje představu díla jako tvarového celku. and This article discusses the problem of the identity of a work in connection with the role of the reader. It follows on from the ideas of Herta Schmid, who, in 1999, argued that Mukařovský took both a poetological and an aesthetic approach to the literary text. The former emphasized the closed structure of the work as an artefact, whereas the latter focused on the openness of the aesthetic object. Jankovič asks whether the identity of a work is bound only to the immutability of the artistic artefact. In this sense, the Czech structuralism of the younger generation sought its own path (Červenka 1996). In Mukařovský’s aesthetics the identity of a work does not exclude the mutability of the aesthetic object; its centre of gravity is transferred to the potential efficacy of the work, to its semantic dynamism. From the zenith of the work’s potential aesthetic impact, from the perspective of its unique potential to affect and change the perceiver’s relationship with reality, one must inquire into the work’s identity. It is the identity of a work in motion, in which the dynamic assumptions of the work are realized in the course of time (thanks also to the evoked participation of the perceiver, who is not denied a part in the unifying semantic gesture). Mukařovský’s aesthetics do not contest the notion of the work as a formal unity; they merely make it dynamic.
V roce 2015 se na internetu v České republice zvedla vlna nenávistných projevů proti migrantům, zejména muslimského původu. Tento článek prezentuje výsledky výzkumu nenávistných projevů vůči migrantům a uprchlíkům na Facebooku v České republice v létě 2015. Za pomoci kombinované metody analýzy využívající automatický sběr dat a následnou manuální triangulaci výsledků bylo možné odpovědět na některé základní otázky o procesu vytváření a šíření nenávistných projevů na Facebooku. Je zřejmé, že vlna nenávistných projevů proti migrantům v roce 2015 byla cíleně i nezamýšleně podpořena společnými aktivitami různých uživatelů Facebooku (především mužů ve středním věku příslušejících ke střední střídě), propagandistickými aktivitami extremistických skupin, zpravodajstvím masmédií a také designem samotné komunikační platformy., The increased influx of refugees and migrants to the EU in 2015 has been followed by a noticeable presence of online hate speech against migrants in many countries across Europe. The article presents the results of a study of hate speech proliferation on Facebook in the Czech Republic during the summer of 2015. Its goal is to identify the producers of hate speech and determine their social background, explore the main channels of hate speech proliferation, determine the specific groups of migrants targeted by hate speech, put the hate speech in the context of online political communication, and discuss the role of media and politicians in the process of hate speech proliferation. With regard to the works of Castells, Skocpol or Bennett and Segerberg, online hate speech can be perceived as an extreme variety of new, rapidly evolving modes of political communication as such. Social and political activism has been shifting from membership-based organizations and parties towards flexible movements and initiatives with strong emphasis on the logic of identity politics. People may or may not engage in hate speech production as lone independent actors, but they still perceive their actions as part of larger collective efforts. When we focus on hate speech as a form of civic activism or networking, new interesting patterns can emerge. The study is based on a mixed-method analysis; computer-assisted data collection via the Social Insider software tool was further triangulated by random sampling and subsequent manual coding and analysis of selected Facebook posts, comments and other content. The question of reception and influence of hate speech was largely omitted from the analysis, due both to the research methods chosen and to the inherently cyclical nature of social network communication. Hate speech itself was identified according to a custom-made definition based on various existing legal definitions and scholarly perspectives of legal and media science. The results of the analysis indicate that the wave of hate speech against migrants was aggravated both intentionally and coincidentally by the combined forces of disparate Facebook users, extremist groups´ propaganda, news media and the design of the social network itself. As for the social background of frequent producers of hate speech, there was a strong prevalence of middle-aged and middle-class males, and a significant under-representation of both elderly and young Facebook users. The majority of the hate speech content was produced and spread in small-scale communication exchanges, i.e. under articles posted on individual user profiles etc. The communication activities of larger, well-organized populist groups, political parties or communities were visibly present, but they did not play a significant part in the hate speech production itself - although their possible involvement in agenda setting cannot be underestimated. All the datasets indicated that a vast majority of the hate speech in the given time period was aimed either against migrants in general or Muslims, while these two groups often overlapped. The role of mass media and of the design of the Facebook platform in the entire process should be discussed further. It became apparent that the producers of hate speech themselves seldom created any substantial shared content such as articles or videos. To the contrary, many hateful comments occurred through sharing and subsequent discussion of articles produced by online news outlets. As the Czech mass media are defined by transformation, uncertainty, layoffs and disintegration of professional routines, this creates a dangerous mix that could lead to further proliferation of hate speech., Matouš Hrdina., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article presents, in an integrated form, the main lines of Hejdánek’s thinking regarding ideology. It is based on published and unpublished texts and on sound recordings from his “apartment” seminars. Hejdánek does not approach ideology as being a fixed, ready-made system of tenets or dogmas, instead seeking a deeper understanding of the ideological mode of thought. The rise of ideologies is, according to him, a modern phenomenon, and Hejdánek considers it to be a kind of reprise of the myth in the modern age. He shows what is the precondition for the possibility of ideology, how ideology conditions human consciousness and how we can free ourselves from its power. According to Hejdánek, the starting point for this does not lie in a struggle with ideology on its own turf. Ideology can be overcome only by something that stands in radical opposition against it – that is, by the development of people into spiritual beings by way of truth, conscience and faith. and Článek v ucelené podobě představuje hlavní myšlenkové linie Hejdánkova uvažování o ideologii. Opírá se o vydané i nevydané texty a o zvukové záznamy bytových seminářů. Hejdánek nezkoumá ideologii jako určitý hotový systém pouček či dogmat, ale sestupuje k hlubším předpokladům ideologického způsobu myšlení. Vzestup ideologií je podle něj teprve novověký fenomén a Hejdánek jej pokládá za jakousi novodobou reprízu mýtu. Odhaluje, co je podmínkou možnosti ideologie, čím si ideologie podmaňuje lidské vědomí a jak se můžeme vysvobozovat z její moci. Východisko podle Hejdánka nespočívá v souboji s ideologií jejími vlastními prostředky. Ideologie může být překonána jedině něčím, co se postaví do radikálního protikladu proti jakékoli ideologičnosti – tedy rozvojem člověka jako duchovní bytosti skrze pravdu, svědomí a víru.
It is two hundred years since the first biographers of Ignaz Cornova – ex-Jesuit scholar, Prague university professor and member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences – mentioned his articles written for periodicals, but to date these remain unstudied. They have been neither collected nor analysed; we do not even know how many periodicals he contributed to. In his research on the subject, the author has identified six periodicals in which Cornova published between 1793 and 1814 and found thirteen separate texts – a figure that is almost certain to rise. His analysis of these articles supplements and refines the conclusions reached by historians on the basis of Cornova’s writings in book form. He is presented as a historian of Bohemia (and beyond), a Czech patriot, a Catholic, and a loyal subject of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine who was committed to educating society as a whole, especially in the field of history, and maintaining social peace.
The varied and contradictory perception of the personality and work of Bohuslav of Lobkowicz and Hassenstein in the early modern period was symbolically crowned in the Enlightenment by Ignaz Cornova’s biography, which is still the most comprehensive work dedicated to Hassenstein. After a brief recapitulation of research and the state of knowledge before Cornova, the study examines his approach to the material and the main substantive and formal features of his biography. Older Latin literature dealing with humanism plays an important role, as do contemporary models from the European literatures of the Enlightenment. Cornova’s work partly follows the traditional chronological approach, but several timeless chapters emerge from it, driven both by an interest in Bohuslav as an individual and by a desire to make a purposeful pedagogical impact on the reader. His aim was to present a rounded and engaging picture of Hassenstein’s life and literary output, based on his surviving works, especially his poems and correspondence, tastefully and without distracting remarks and comments. Ludwig Schubart, for example, with his biography of the German humanist Ulrich von Hutten, could have been a model for him in this respect. Brief mention is also made of the critical reviews of Cornova’s work, which he himself deals with in the preface to Hassenstein’s biography. A separate section is devoted to a comparison of the selection of poems translated by Cornova and his contemporaries Thám, Vinařický and Budík. Although the biography was considered Cornova’s most important work in his lifetime, was cited and received positive feedback, it is not very useful for contemporary research, unlike the works of Josef Truhlář, who was a few decades younger. From a scholarly point of view it falls short of contemporary demands and as a literary work is even more outdated, although (or perhaps because) it reflected the literary trends of the time.